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Topic: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty (Read 6716 times)
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +103/-27
Posts: 6064
Hup! Hup!
Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
June 08, 2009, 02:39:39 pm »
The North is on the brink of war. If it isn't started by the elf king pouring his troops into the region nay doubt the Vesperians will start something. These are dangerous times and Recruits and Watchmen are needed to ensure the safety of Cove's townfolk as they go about their business.
~ Escort 5 NPC's from Cove to their required destinations.
~ Mages may not create portals. Many Covian tonwfolk are untrusting of magery.
~ Post a full report of these escort duties below detailing your starting point and arrival at the desired destination.
This task may be completed by Watchmen.
This task may only be completed once per character.
Commander's comments:
Make sure Covian citizens arrive safely.
Raiden, Commander.
Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.
Holder of
The Richter Crest
The Baron's Cross
The Covian Seal
Rage Of Raaz
Veteran of
The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.
The Reluctant Captain's Log
Covian Guardsman
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Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #1 on:
June 11, 2009, 12:49:24 am »
Report: Escort Duty
Escort #1
After reading the orders about assiting Covians in their travels I made my way into Cove. After walking around a bit I came upon a noble named Roberta seeking to travel to Nujelm. I escorted her through the shire, protecting her from a few wandering creatures, on our way to the portal leading to Buc's Den where I had a ship
Once we reached Buc's Den we quickly made our way to the ship and boarded. The sea journey was uneventful and we soon made land-fall on the South-West shore of Nujelm where I was thanked for my assistance by Roberta. I then sailed back to Buc's Den, this time docking at the docks there, and from there back to Cove.
(Sketches of the escort)
Escort #2
My second escort was a young bride named Darcy who was wishing to travel to Jhelom. We set off for the Minoc Moongate and almost immediately ran into a skeleton outside Cove's very gates! I quickly dispatched it and we continued our travels through the Covian shire with our only other encounter being with a lone harpy. Once upon the road we quickly made our way to the Moongate and through that we safely reached Jhelom.
Escort #3
Upon returning to Cove I ran into a shy young women also seeking to go to Jhelom, she seemed skitish and when I asked her name she spoke so quietly that I could not clearly make out what she had said. Fortunately this escort proved to be my easiest as we had virtually no run ins with beast or man on our travels. We reached the Moongate and traveld to Jhelom where she also thanked me for my assistance.
(Sketches of the escort)
Escort #4
Once again I returned to Cove and once again I found a woman, this one named Cornelia, who wished to travel to Jhelom, this one in search of adventure....I double checked that she sought adventure
Jhelom, which she confirmed (a scouting mission of Jhelom may be in order), so we set off on our, now well blazed, path to the moongate. Near the cross-roads we ran into a few skeletons (there did seem to be a unusually high amount of undead activity that night), which were easily put down and then continued on to the moongate...and from there yet again to Jhelom where I smilingly set her off upon her adventure seeking ways!
Escort #5
I had barely marched through Cove's gates when a man named Carson shouted at me if I cared to learn how to make some easy gold? Not keen at being shouted at I was willing to overlook it at the mention of gold. It seems Carson's idea of easy gold was a escort to Nujelm......
We made off once again for that magical portal leading to Buc's Den and my docked ship. Our journey was uneventful so I began to ply Carson with questions trying to find out if he knew why so many Covians traveled to Jhelom and Nujelm...his lips were sealed.....and he kept looking at me with shifty eyes when he thought I was't looking! We quickly made our way to the portal and to the docks of Buc's Den. After boarding the ship I made sure Carson was comfortable and then I ordered the crew to set sail.
Once again the sea voyage was relaxing and uneventful. Almost to soon we made landfall, again on the Southwest shore, and I escorted Carson into Nujelm proper where he thanked me for my services and we parted ways.
I sailed back to Buc's Den and decided to sleep there as it was much dryer there then in Cove.
~Xavier Kage~
Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 08:31:40 pm by Xavier
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +103/-27
Posts: 6064
Hup! Hup!
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #2 on:
June 11, 2009, 08:50:19 am »
Damn fine work Watchman!
S'the way ter do yer duty.
Raiden, Commander.
Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.
Holder of
The Richter Crest
The Baron's Cross
The Covian Seal
Rage Of Raaz
Veteran of
The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.
The Reluctant Captain's Log
Star Summers
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Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #3 on:
October 15, 2009, 07:28:42 pm »
I decide to help more citizens to travel. Wishing to be a Grenadier it give good experience at being bodyguard.
The first person I find want to go to Jhelom. She wanted to see friend so we head off through the forest. Was not long before we came across a big bird that swooped down to take the lady away. I fought back and soon killed it. Next on the road we meet a big Ogre. It roared and scared the lady who hid behind me as I fought it. We arrive at the moongate and go to Jhelom where she paid me for the help.
When I got back to Cove a noble looking lady wearing pretty dress asked to go to Jhelom. So again I head back through woods. This time I was attacked by two Ogre, first one and as soon as I turn around another attacked. The lady was very thankful for help and said she would not of made it alone. We arrived safetly at Jhelom.
Next another lady wanted to go to Nujel'm. So I had to find a sailor to take us by boat. The crossing was very calm but I did spot a big Sea Serpant swimming below us. We arrived at Nujel'm and the lady was please not to get wet feet. She said it not good Moongate going only one way.
I got back to Cove to find another wanting to go to Nujel'm. So I give Sailor some more coins and he take us back over the sea. This time it not so good as Water Elementals attack us so I reach for my bow to ward them off. I nearly pass out from poison but the sailor give me potion to help. We dock and the lady got off to attend a party.
The last person wanted to go to Jhelom. I was much happy as the sea crossings made me feel ill. It is dark by now so I use torch to light our way. The night had brought out big Spiders which attacked us in the woods. I think the light of torch attract them. Then a Troll charge at us, the man nearly run with fear so I had to tell him to stop. He was much happy when we arrived at Jhelom and hurried to nearest tavern.
Star Summers
Avalynn Vale
Baron's Own Grenadier
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Karma: +3/-1
Posts: 68
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #4 on:
June 03, 2018, 10:20:50 am »
*Neatly written report*
Alone in Cove I set out into town to lend a hand to those in need, I found five people in need of an escort, and took them to the places they needed to go. along the way we faced the perils of mongbats, ettins, stiffling hot weather, and annoying tales of old. below are some sketches of the escorts. At least this Watchman was paid for her services!!
Watchman Avalynn Vale
Covian Citizen
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 61
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #5 on:
July 23, 2018, 11:35:35 am »
*Slumps in panting and throws paintings on the desk*
S'all done five escorts complete one not paying customer two thousand gold pieces fer the coffers [Yet to be handed over]
Signed , Tingleith Watchman
Badges Held = "Untrusted Hair".
Mentee Of Regular Grenadier "Raven"
Self Proclaimed "Liberator" Of Nujel'm.
Nujel'm Campaign.
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Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #6 on:
July 23, 2018, 05:17:34 pm »
Last night I decided I would use the quiet hours of today to complete this task. Seems I wasn't the only one to have the idea today.
My first escort was to Trinsic. Last time I was here a terrible incident occurred and I didn't walk so I had to take my directions from various sign posts. I decided that travelling south past Britain was the safest route. Surprisingly the area around Altmere was relatively quiet. Perhaps Sheriam and I had managed to scare off the monsters from our last patrol. We reached Trinsic safetly and I quickly headed back to Cove for my next escort.
Upon closer look to my next civilian I noticed he had a beard that would make even Gar's look small in comparrison. This man was some noble fellow, perhaps a friend of the Barons? I made sure to show him the proper respect and ensured his short journey to Minoc was as safe as possible despsite the attempts of Mongbats ambushing us.
I couldn't believe it. Another man with a full beard. Is this the effect of the Covian air? This one wished to go to Vesper and so I headed on with the fine Covian beared man behind me. We met little resistance along the way and he was quite happy to get there safely.
Another bearded fellow. I was beginning to feel the mockery of my own smooth skinned chin. No wonder my fellow guardsmen talk about it so much if the average common man has such a chin of it. I hope the length of my ponytail makes up for the lack of hair on my chin as it seems age leads to balding in these parts. This one wished to go to Yew and my heart leapt at the thought I might bump into Miss Harper. Bad luck there was no one around as we passed through Stonekeep, though perhaps on my part that was fortunate.
My last escort was to Skara Brae. As we passed south of the swamp lands I came across two brave adventurers trying to battle a Bog beast. I leapt to their aid and we were soon caught in a battle against a plague lord, bog beast, crocodiles and all manners of creatures that live there. It took some nimble footwork to stay alive but I managed to help them stay alive and slay the beasts. My escort kept close behind me and was clearly impressed of my sword work. The adventurers left without so much as a thank you and before I could tell them about the Covian Army. Finally we headed to the coast and used the ferry to cross to the island were I received my final payment.
Gold gathered - 2500.
Sheriam Palmer
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 25
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #7 on:
July 29, 2018, 05:32:18 pm »
Escort Duty
Earlier this week I took a quiet opportunity to help some of those pestering locals over in Cove Town. Apparently they all wanted to go someplace that wasnt here, whats wrong with Cove I say?!
The first was to Minoc, some peasant lady who had never even heard of the Avatar?? I made sure to take the left turn at the Vesper crossroads.
The second was to Trinsic, I took the noble through Britain and it was a relatively quiet journey.
The third was to Yew. A much busier route up through the mountains this time. We passed through Stonekeep but the guardsman I saw there seemed to be sleeping on duty.
The fourth was to Minoc again. Some sort of bride in a wedding dress! I asked her if she was going to a wedding but she gave me silence in reply.
The fifth was to Britain. We encountered some lizard men type creatures right on the British border, those guards obviously are slacking on duty I say.
2,500 gold were given to the treasury.
Watchman Sheriam Palmer
Baron's Own Grenadier
Covian Legend
Karma: +20/-10
Posts: 550
The Highlander
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #8 on:
August 05, 2018, 04:38:51 pm »
Rooks Escort Service
Being an arcanist, it is fairly quick for me to move people around. So I offered my services to those who don't have the ability.
#1 - Wandering healer - Cove to Minoc
#2 - Noble - Cove to Moonglow
#3 - Noble - Cove to Nujel'm
#4 - Noble - Cove to Britain
#5 - Merchant - Cove to Jhelom
*Signed, Rook*
⚔ The Richter Crest ⚔ Order of Distinction ⚔ Border Wars ⚔ Trinsic Campaign ⚔ Vesper Civil War ⚔
[22:37] Hoagie: I think Raven would make a hot girl
[01:57] XxwarbringerxX: Raven would indeed make a hot chick.
Aralin Eroecia
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 38
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Escort Duty
Reply #9 on:
August 26, 2018, 10:47:46 am »
5 Escort's 5 Journeys Zero Casualties
Overall the day's duties were sucessful no covian citizen's were harmed to and from there destination
Signed , Aralin Eroecia , Watchman
Badges Held : Nujel'm Campaign
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