Name- Leanne Martin-Melior
Age- In her early thirties
Eye Color- blue
Hair Color- blonde
Race- Human
Place of Birth- Cove
Weight- Around 143lbs
Height- 5'6"
Alignment- Neutral Good
Virtue- Valor
Description: She's a gorgeus lass with longe blonde hair, usually tied together. Leanne has a slender body, also she is very athletic and can fit herself even into the smallest crates. Leanne uses every filthy trick she can get a thought of, which makes her a very dangerous woman. Usually attacking from a distance, Leanne is not made for long battles in a small area. However, if she has the chance to attack out of the shadows, she is a very difficult foe to come by.
Although Leanne was raised in Cove, she is not a follower of the Avatarian believe. Her years spent in foreign lands made her question the way Avatarians preach, especially their stance on other races. While she dislikes gargoyles and truly hates drows, she has no problems with elves or spellcasters.
Leanne is attracted to women and shows no interest in men.
History: At the age of thirteen, she received a message, that the part of her family in Vesper had died during an attack of ogres. She already lost her own parents long before, and the family in the neighborhood was all she had left. However, she also got the notice, that her cousin's corpse never got found. She decided to travel along Sosaria to find the last member of her family. A journey of fifteen years lied ahead of her, however, she was not able to find her.
After she returned to Cove, she was quite shocked, as she noticed that her cousin became already a high ranked soldier of the Covian army. She decided to join the army as well, so she could stay near to her and protect her. Although she kept grunting about her, she loved her truly, as she was besides herself the last member of the Melior family.
Years after serving in Coves army, she went on a journey to save her love interest Pickles from the fangs of drows. As her cousin has deceased, there was nothing that kept her in Cove.
Leanne sacrificed herself to the drows, scheming to set Pickles and herself free. She endured countless humiliations, rape and torture, but she did not try to leave without her true love. After about a year in slavery, she was able to kill off a incautious guard. She knew, she had to try an escape now or die trying. In a rampage, Leanne slaughtered herself through the drows and eventually being able to free Pickles from her torment. Weakened and tired, they made it out alive of the drow realms in Malas. However, Leanne was yet not able to return home. She made sure Pickles got home safely, but she left her... Not because she didn't love her anymore, but because the danger was yet not perished. Vierna and Faeryl, the mistresses of the drows would surely try to get them both back.
The next years, Leanne murdered countless drows and spies of Vierna and up to this point, she is extremely suspicious of any drow.
Nowadays, Leanne rejoined the ranks of the army, trying to protect Pickles as best as she can. There is almost not a single night when Leanne does not patrol the borders. She is still deeply in love with Pickles, and is not intending to leave her behind once more.
She married the Arcanist Elizabeth 'Pickles' Martin on the 16th September 2018 in front of a large crowd in Magincia.
During a hunt against Terathans, she lost her left pinky and ring finger.
Leanne is most happy when she can just live her peaceful life along her wife and friends.