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Raiden Morana
Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
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Topic: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer (Read 4962 times)
Kelly Sanderson
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +33/-14
Posts: 1203
By Jove and Sheeshy McGee!
Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
July 31, 2018, 09:05:34 pm »
Watchman Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Good day to you, Watchman! Looks like you’re on my list for your Covian Cap. Think you’re worthy, do you? I’ll see about that.
Task One: Barmy for the Barkeep
Hold your own tavern night in Cove. You must arrange to have the bar staffed, for games to take place and entertainment must be organised for the evening. You must invite our allies.
*You may choose your venue, but it must be within Cove.
*You must extend invites to all allies of Cove.
*A plan must be in place for activities to take place throughout the night.
*Food and drink must both be available throughout the evening.
Task Two: Running Recruits
Lead an exercise training session for the men. Your training session must include but is not limited to the following:
*At least four other guardsmen must attend your training session.
*At least five physically strenuous activities must take place during the session.
*You must use props to guide your training session and keep the guardsmen engaged.
Mounting up Materials
Your final task is as follows… Through hunts and patrols, you must gather the following resources:
~ 500 pieces of barbed leather
~ 500 arrows
~ 20,000 gold pieces
*A minimum of two guardsmen must assist you for any activity you carry out for this task. Someone will need to help you carry the resources.
*You may not purchase any of these materials. They must all be skinned, looted or made with your own bare hands.
A full report for each task and any research and planning included must be posted below. I believe you can do this, Palmer. Get to it.
Kelly Sanderson, Corporal
Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 11:53:44 am by Kelly Sanderson
John Dell:
My ultimate aim is to nag someone to the brink of total blindness and hate that they kill me.
John Dell:
It's for me like for you and pies; if one is staring you in the face you just can't leave it alone.
Sheriam Palmer
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 25
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #1 on:
August 04, 2018, 04:44:47 pm »
Sheriam Palmer, Watchman and Leading
Calin Keres, Officer Cadet
Saerandir, Watchman
Tingleith, Untrusted Watchman
Elliot Tyrell, Guardsman Recruit
Running Recruits:
Corporal Sanderson had said we were all developing bad habits, too many tavern nights and feasts and not enough physical training!
I called a training for this evening but we had a little wait for the fourth person to arrive. Recruit Elliot tried his best and recruited a pet rabbit, but given the first task involved placing a wine bottle on your back I decided to stay waiting for a fourth 'human or equivalent size' attendee. Thankfully a Keres turned up and we were away!
First Task: Balance
This activity involved placing a bottle of wine on their backs as they performed ten push ups. Slow and steady wins the race! As elves are unfairly talented in this area I placed the bottle of wine on Sally's head instead of his back, just to make it even. Calin Keres put out a strong performance and won this one handily.
Second Task: Team Sprints
In this activity the guardsmen had to run to the edge of the barracks and back, then tag in their team mate for their lap. In this event the teams were very evenly matched and I had no choice but to declare a draw.
Third Task: Strategic Boxing
The teams were split into a runner and a boxer. The runner had to complete five laps from one edge of the arena to the other. The boxers were given five crates each and had to use them to try and get in the way of the runners. The runners were not allowed to touch the boxes, their team mate had to move them to let them out if they were trapped.
The runners were neck and neck until Sally realised he had counted from 1 to 3, missing number 2. Team Tingleith and Elliot ended up winning that event by a whole lap.
Fourth Task: Trap The 'Giant'
In this task both members of the team were able to use their coloured boxes. I humbly took on the role of 'Large Stompy Giant' who would slowly walk around the arena. The teams had to place boxes around the 'Large Stompy Giant' untill they could no longer move. The team that placed the last box would win.
It did not take long until the arena was largely covered in boxes. When the 'Large Stompy Giant' was very close to escaping the red team managed to close off the exit and win the round.
In the end Calin Keres had won enough points and won a stunning bundle of flowers!
I could tell everyone wanted to have a final rumble so we finished off with a free for all, which Calin Keres also won. It was a good day for the Grenadiers.
After we were done I informed everyone that this was all just a warm up and we would shortly be departing for a Destard hunt for some dragons. Strangely enough only Recruit Elliot was still around for said hunt!
Watchman Sheriam Palmer
Kelly Sanderson
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +33/-14
Posts: 1203
By Jove and Sheeshy McGee!
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #2 on:
August 05, 2018, 12:26:36 pm »
Bloody good job, lass!
Keep it up.
Kelly Sanderson, Corporal
John Dell:
My ultimate aim is to nag someone to the brink of total blindness and hate that they kill me.
John Dell:
It's for me like for you and pies; if one is staring you in the face you just can't leave it alone.
Sheriam Palmer
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 25
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #3 on:
August 05, 2018, 04:16:21 pm »
Sheriam Palmer, Watchman and Leading
Raiden Morana, Captain
Kelly Sanderson, Corporal
Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist
Elliot Tyrell, Guardsman Recruit
Aralin Eroecia, Guardsman Recruit
Aries Harper, Yew Waywatcher (Green boots)
Larynda, Yew Waywatcher (Grey boots)
Hunt to Destard:
The task was very clear: 500 barbed leather, and that is no small amount! I asked around the barracks for ideas about where to get such a haul and Destard was the unanimous answer. Later that evening put the call out for a hunt for Destard and made sure all my gear was in good shape for a tough trip.
We were slightly delayed setting off, and for good reason! Two more recruits took on the badge this evening. One of them even joined us right away for hunting dragons.
An impressive line up gathered outside the barracks, both Covians and Yew folk arrived for the hunt. A large number of veterans showed up too so I was confident that if we all kept ranks and healing tight we would see the night through. We also had a good mix of mages, shields and archers to boot.
On the first level we encountered all sorts of drakes, dragons, wyverns and even some golden dragons. We also ran into some huge snakes! Thankfully I was able to hide behind the others when it came to the snakes though, I dont think anyone noticed. The hunt was very disciplined and we dispatched all who stood in our path. The dragons seemed to focus on Recruit Elliot but he held his ground bravely and we were all able to keep him on his feet - mostly. Still, he didn't let a little knock diminish his enthusiasm.
On the second level we encountered a large number of demons and shadow drakes. We did have a scary moment when I was carrying too much leather and could not keep up with the team! Everyone came back to dig me out of the pile of corpses we had felled though, thankfully.
On the third level we found the lair of the mighty ancient wyrm. We had a couple of scary moments and im sure Recruit Elliot was nearly swallowed whole! But like all others we faced in Destard we took the beast down and skinned their hides. We lost sight of Corporal Sanderson at one point as well, I think we may have left her somewhere but she soon returned to us. She said she fell in a ditch but she was probably single handedly slaying demons without us!
After clearing out the third level I ordered the hunt to return to the entrance and head for home, many thanks to Mrs Drachen for the gates back and forth, they saved us a whole load of time. I am glad to say that good discipline and the protection of the Avatar saw us all return safely back to Cove to count our loot.
30,807 Gold and 473 Barbed Leather was handed in to the treasury.
Watchman Sheriam Palmer
Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 05:07:11 pm by Sheriam Palmer
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +103/-27
Posts: 6064
Hup! Hup!
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #4 on:
August 06, 2018, 10:22:45 am »
Grand job Watchman!
Nay forget that other 27 hides though, eh?
Raiden Morana, Captain.
Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.
Holder of
The Richter Crest
The Baron's Cross
The Covian Seal
Rage Of Raaz
Veteran of
The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.
The Reluctant Captain's Log
Leanne Martin
Hoagie's pet
The Light Company
Covian Legend
Karma: +18/-3
Posts: 905
Pickles' Shadow
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #5 on:
August 06, 2018, 03:26:39 pm »
*Ilyana blushes and sweats out of embarrassment*
Dear Corporal Sanderson and Watchman Palmer,
I may have accidentally put 44 leather pieces too deep down my backpack last time we went to Destard and may have forgotten about them.
But I am pleased to say tho, that Miss Palmer has therefor accomplished her goal of gathering enough leather.
No hard feelings?
Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist
2x Covian Seal ⚜ Rage of Raaz ⚜ 2x Ribbon of Activity ⚜ Order of Leadership ⚜ The Richter's Crest ⚜ Order of Distinction ⚜ Jhelom Campaign ⚜ Coalition against Undead ⚜ Liberation of Nu'jelm
Sheriam Palmer
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 25
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #6 on:
August 07, 2018, 09:51:37 pm »
Sheriam Palmer, Watchman and Leading
Calin Keres, Officer Cadet
Tiberius, Senior Guardsman
Saerandir, Watchman
Rook, Watchman
Aralin Eroecia, Guardsman Recruit
Mischief, Assisting.
Centaur Hunting / Arrow Gathering:
During the week I had asked around for the best places to gather the required arrows for my duty. A couple of places came up but the best seemed to be hunting Centaurs at the Serpentine Passage in Ilshenar.
A line up assembled and we even invited two armoured civilians along. One, an elf, bowed out but Mischief kindly volunteered to help us on our hunt. She pointed out that were we were headed any of bad character might be targeted by 'pixies'. I did a check but it seems everyone in the line up was of good character, but of course in Cove!
Various people in the patrol got lost on the way there but after some back tracking we found them again, those jungles can be very disorientating. Following a map I had purchased of Ilshenar we travelled beyond the town of Mistas and into the valley beyond. There we found some strange pixies, snake like dragons and the centaur we were after. To my surprise these beasts were holding between 60 and 80 arrows apiece! Just who were they planning on using all those arrows on? With the asembled squad we made quick work of the centaurs, and brought back a cool 1,300 arrows for the stores.
Given the speed at which we collected the arrows and our proximity to a dungeon I gave Watchman Sally the line for one of his patrols.
Watchman Sheriam Palmer
Kelly Sanderson
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +33/-14
Posts: 1203
By Jove and Sheeshy McGee!
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #7 on:
August 12, 2018, 11:53:07 am »
With Melior's additional note, that means we only require one more report, lass.
Make sure it's posted today so I can submit your name for the list!
Proud of you!
Kelly Sanderson, Corporal
John Dell:
My ultimate aim is to nag someone to the brink of total blindness and hate that they kill me.
John Dell:
It's for me like for you and pies; if one is staring you in the face you just can't leave it alone.
Sheriam Palmer
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 25
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #8 on:
August 12, 2018, 03:12:00 pm »
Far too many to keep a track of
Tavern Night Report:
I arranged with Miss Carolin for food and drink to be provided for the evening held at the Cardinal Feather Inn. Then I put the word out to gather at the inn for eight and started working on some game ideas to make the evening interesting, and even bought a prize!
Once the time came some Greandiers started trickling in, some arrived before even I did! Miss Carolin put out a fine spread and enough booze to last an army a week. She helped also by laying out some dice and board games for people. Before long a whole host of people arrived, digging right into the food and booze. I even met another Eason, but no relation apparently. Some other lad turned up and apparently had a grudge against Tingleith, to no ones surprise, they started demanding things off each other and frankly im surprised her clothes stayed on all evening.
I was just about to start making preparations for the riddle game I had prepared when a fist fight broke out over something or other. Before I knew it four people were involved and the tavern was in chaos. By the time that settled down people were demanding things from behind the bar so I had to step in as bartender. I quickly discovered that I dont know much about booze, apparently Skara wine isnt any good? Anyway, thankfully though Tingleith rescued me and attended the bar after that. At this point there was no chance we were going to be doing some of the games I had prepared so I gave her the prize as a thank you.
Shortly after that I recall being hit by a high speed pear, apparently out of a crossbow, and I'm afraid the rest of the night is a blur.
While it was mostly chaos I think most people enjoyed it ma'am.
Watchman Sheriam Palmer
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +103/-27
Posts: 6064
Hup! Hup!
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #9 on:
August 13, 2018, 07:31:11 am »
Damn fine work Palmer!
Raiden Morana, Captain.
Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.
Holder of
The Richter Crest
The Baron's Cross
The Covian Seal
Rage Of Raaz
Veteran of
The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.
The Reluctant Captain's Log
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +18/-65534
Posts: 2163
Not the Commander.
Re: Watchman's Trials: Sheriam Palmer
Reply #10 on:
August 14, 2018, 12:18:11 am »
10 Shillings awarded to Carolin Argon
Torrak: As far as I'm concerned, though, EA is just unauthorized modding BoC.
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