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Author Topic: Church Report - Cove  (Read 1987 times)
Cove Command
Covian Citizen

Karma: +10/-1
Posts: 57

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« on: July 28, 2018, 02:44:07 pm »


Thou hath no doubt seen the thorough report by Guardsman Kobra. I have some additional matters of relevance to add.

On our imprisonment of the suspect, who dropped magical and necromantic reagents on the scene,  the Guardsman confiscated and passed on to myself spellbooks of magic, and, more concerningly - necromancy. The creature doth babble and hiss in daemonic tongue. I hath gagged them and Kobra tied them beyond all possibility of escape. I tried to interrogate the thing, but I could sooner draw blood from a stone. I await thy wisdom in this matter.

I would say a few words given the events of last night. The enemies of the light doth seek to intimidate us with the attempted destruction of our home. In their ignorance they see the Chapel as a challenge to be answered, and believe that in attacking us there, they strike a blow at our hearts. To this, I say: fools! The Avatar showeth his divinity in saving all the faithful on that eve from mortal harm. I had to make a choice yestereve between pursuit of the masked perpetrator, and dragging the faithful from the flames. He escaped as a result, but I would make this decision one thousand times again. Faith doth not rest in a building, nor any worldly goods. It is within us, His children, and wherever we go, it radiates forth to reveal the unworthy and beckon in the just. And the just do heed our call. All the world is our chapel, as long as we NEVER relinquish our faith. And we never shall.

Hac virtute regno pax partur.  


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