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Author Topic: Leather for the crafties  (Read 2678 times)
The Light Company
Covian Legend

Karma: +14/-3
Posts: 684

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« on: July 22, 2005, 10:35:15 pm »

Well having pined a note on the board a few days ago I were hopeful of a large number of folks turning up for me patrol to gather leather for em crafties to replenish our dwindling armour stocks but as I sat in the barracks waiting patiently I began to feel somewhat dispirited as the time drew close and no one had arrived.

I finally got together:-
Kal Shadowhand
Calico Kate
Byron Wolfshelm
And a citizen who cam along to tend to anyone who should take a wound by the name of Ysabelle

Eventually after a somewhat hesitant start I managed to round up these few troops and we set out for destard!

Upon arriving I outlined our plan of attack and asked the sentinel to give us a blessing and then we entered that foul place.  Immediately the stench of dragons hit our nostrils but we worked steadily creping into the cave until we encounterd on of the beasts then slaying it and skinning the corpse to gather the leather which we stored in our packs and continued on.

Finally after many gruelling hours in this massive cave we turned back for home where we wearily counted our hard earned gains, they were as follows:-
420 Barbed leather
320 horned leather
22444 crowns divided 2074 to each of the men, 3000 to each the arcane division and the Light company for taking part and 4000 crowns to the militia - my share of the gold I did tithe to the church for the aid of Sentinel Wolfshelm on this mission.

Covian Citizen

Karma: +1/-0
Posts: 80

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« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2005, 12:06:07 am »

A favourable day indeed.

Truly the Avatar was with us all this day.
Apart from a few minor wounds, the expedition was succesful. 
Credit to the campaign leader, the encounters were handled professionally, although it could have been questioned why a woman in a pink dress was allowed to join the campaign. Such accoutrements are not considered practical.

Credit also to the Guardsmen, they fought bravely and conducted themselves well, despite the attendance of a Temptress in a pink dress.
I give thanks to the Avatar, for the beasts were bested, and the spoils shared.
More importantly, a Tithe to the Church was given.


Gregor Eason
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2005, 02:20:02 am »

Excellent work, Sergeant Althalus and all those who attended.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council
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