As i was sitting inside the Barracks, sipping my Ale after a long day of battle against the Kaldorians, Recruit Erik Arkay rushed into the barracks towards me...
"Sir! Sir! There's been a...situation!" He yelled.
"Situation? What type of situation?" I questioned.
He then explained that he had heard an explosion and had rushed to the scene and saw an annoyed Samurai and a house with a gaping hole in its roof. I decided to go and see for myself.
As I continued towards the house, I could hear a man muttering to himself about the destruction and the stupidity of someone, but I could not make out who he was talking about.
As I came towards the front door of the house, which Recruit Grazgorn was guarding, the annoyed Samurai, stormed out of the house, yelling at me.
"I want something done about this!" He exclaimed
"Sorry? I do not understand?" I replied
I decided to play the 'completely ignorant' card, to get the whole of his story. His story was virtually the same as the recruits, but he gave me more information on why this had ocurred, he mentioned that the Samurai, Kasei Senshi was experimenting on some substances inside his house and had accidently blown a gaping hole in the roof and in the back wall. He also mentioned that he had been trying to fix it, but it was too much for one man.
I decided to help him by drawing some sketches and writing a report on this incident. He has asked me to ask, in this report, if anyone has any knowledge of these happenings, he would be grateful, and if anyone could help him fix his roof, he would also be grateful for this.
The inside of the house, where the disaster had obviously ocurred the outside of the house*signed*
Watchman Drachir