Gregor Eason
« on: August 07, 2005, 06:57:46 pm » |
When: 6pm GMT, Monday Where: Meet outside Barracks, Cove Bring: Full Combat Gear, Bandages! Note: Mainly for low level Recruits and Watchmen.
Basic Combat Course, Militia Academy This is a grand opportunity for those who need to develop their combat skills! Using weapons crafted to enhance ye training (OOC: Just fast, low damage weapons), we shall engage creatures appropriate for ye levels of skill!
Training Areas We shall start with skeletons that roam both the Graveyards of Cove and Vesper, then moving onto lizards that inhabit the depths of Despise, and, finally, fighting the earth elementals based in the higher levels of the said dungeon.
Course Length Though I aim to make this an hour slot, we shall stay as long, or as short, as necessary at all locations. And this Course may be repeated often to ensure that all Recruits, Watchmen, Juniors.. receive the necessary skills training to be confident in their fighting prowess.
More... Furthermore, through regular fighting students of this Course will build on important squad combat principles, such as staying close, healing well, and reacting to order; and... key promotional requirements will be fulfilled.
This Course shall be a marvellous development for ye if ye're fresh into the Militia! Do attend!
Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council