Sentry Duty"Oooh, meh feet !"Today during mass Joey was instructed by Hugo to remove a corpse from the
mass, but alas the Wytch Hunter was busy knifing the man, what would he do?
well Joey did the only thing he knows how to do, he smashed the hunter around
the head with his maceand he fell to the floor, Joey looked around expecting
appluase but was only met with the words
"Cease him !" from Hugo, Joey
just kept a grin on his face as he was dragged to the cells.
After being locked in the cells the Commander and Captain came up with his punishment,
he was to operate a gate sentry with no boots on, so sure enough Joey trotted
along to the gates of Cove with no boots, set up his gate sentry and did his duty with
much enthusiasm !
Sentry standing time: 20 Minutes*Signed* -
Joey S. Lanai, Junior Guardsman