After my successful tavern night things were a bit hazy.
I had the strangest dream ... I dreamt that Officer Cadet Arkay led me and the men a secret mission.
Kas Valentine opened a portal and we found ourselves in a place that reminded me much o' Trinsic. Unarmoured but proudly sporting our Covian headdresses, sashes and kilts we entered an enchanted tavern there.
We had a hard time supressing the local woman who seemed determined to attach themsleves to a Covian hero.
We had to drag ourselves away from 'em wenches and ... this is what makes the dream so strange ... Mr Arkay led us on some strange dance through the dreamy town!
Anyway I awoke fully armoured so it can only 'av been a dream. Damn Vesperians must o' poisoned our ale!!!
*signed*Raiden Morana, Watchman.
p.s. Another strange thing about this dream was that almost everyone who attended the tavern night was in it!