*Thomas sits down and closes his eyes thinking of the failed mission*Damn Doom!!!
Members attending: Grief, Seniour
Kas valentine, Watchman
Talpa Europa, Watchman
Constentinious, Recruit
Bayne, Recruit
Fabien, Recruit
I caan safely say i' wen' horribley
We all lined up ou' side the barracks an' kas opened a ga' ta the safest par' of the dungeon. Where the devals known as the dark gaurdians life.

As we entered the dark empty room we could feel the evilness in there.
But when half of us go' in there the doors slammed shut and locked. And then the beasts appeared from nowhere and started attackin' us. And from the walls came a deadly poisonous gas and with only half of us in we were masacred, luckely just before our deaths we were teleported to safety and managed to heal everyone and ge' ou' of there.

I seriously dou' i will evr be able ta finish this task unless i ge' more then half the malitia ta come with me...
Bones collected: 39
Gold collected: 353
[ooc] Well done everyone. you did amazingly well. [ooc/]