Last night saw a large training event run by Regular Judas that would prove most valuable in the following skirmish with Yew forces.
Participants (From memory):
-Vince Valentine
-Kas Valentine
-Erik Arkay
-Corr-ari ta
-Rupert Rildir
Judas organised the large group into two squads, one consisted of all the recruits along with Kas who would aid with his magic. These were the Covian forces for the time being and the superior ranks made up the Yewian force.
The first battle took the form of a Yew stand fast on the barracks' steps. Against a virtually all-recruit opposition the acting Yewmen quickly slaughtered the Covians and claimed the battle. Changes needed to be made in the line up.
The second battle was a little better thought out with all of the Watchmen joining forces with the recruits along with Judas. Kas and myself took up strategic position on the Office balcony and sniped at the now Covian attacking force. Erik was nearly felled but regrouped, healed and charged the Yew defences gaining his side yet another victory.
It was time for an agonising reappraisal of tactics. The higher ranking side were clearly better in sustained combat so a hit and run method was needed. Cadet Drachir attempted to harass the Yew defences from the shadows but was swarmed and cut down. It seemed at last things were turning for the better.
Losing his scout, Erik ordered a full assault on the barracks, thinking he could power through the defences with his better unit. A trap lay in waiting however, recruit James springing forth at Grenadier Vince from the shadows supported by yet another ranged attack from the balcony. The Grenadier quickly met the dust below.
Trying to avoid the balcony fire Erik and the remainder of his unit charged into the barracks, assaulting the defended office where the Yewmen held fast. Moving from my position on the balcony I flanked the charging group and shot down Junior Rupert from a hidden position as Anari was swarmed by the melee fighters. Erik fled the battle, the sole survivor of his side and prepared to take the entire acting-Yew force by himself. Stealth would win the day however as both myself and James jumped the sergeant, dropping him quickly. The underdogs were victorious!
The training group lining up afterwards.