Guardsmen attending
Vince Valentine Officer cadet (Leading)
The Juniors
Kas valentine
Thomas sendrich (Attended the first part)
Olchafa Serpernt (attended the first part)
*Part One*
As i eyed th' juinors lined up in front o' me, i let out a slight smile. It was a fine group, well experienced on th' battlefield.
We started off with th' trainin' side o' things. Not unlike a normal training session, but o' course much more intense! While they were runnin' te th' cove gates an' back, i lined up a row of heavy logs. They were nay problem te lift fer me, bein' an' experienced grenadier an' all. Th' idea was te roll th' logs te one end o' the arena an' back, which they managed nicely.
Next was th' pushups, which they be gettin' quite good at!
Once this was completed, i orderd a march te cove docks, where we proceeded te th' lighthouse fer some Uphill runnin' excercise! Ten runs of th' hill!
With th' physical trainin' finished, we moved inte team battles!
I split th' Juniors inte teams two teams
Red team was Anari, Chaffers and Kas
Blue team was Kurt, thomas and Hoagie
We had three rounds o' fightin', with me assignin' a team leader for each o' th' rounds. Blue team snatched th' win, bu' not withou' one hell of a fight from th' red team
*Part Two*
Th' next part o' me course was te test th' juniors out in th' thick o' things!
I'd devised a list o' enemies tha' i'd wanted slayin', with a different junior leading each battle. I was merely an observer, nay participatin' in either healin' or fightin'.
We started off in shame, where i wanted a fearsome blood elemental slayed.
Next up, was a pair of vicious elder gazers. Th' juniors made short work o' them
Kas then supplied us with a portal te th' desert, where a magical creature know as 'The Sphinx' Lurked
Last, but by no means least, a pair of savage ogre lords were th' juniors targets
Th' Juniors perfomed fantastically on their course, i could nay fault them. they listened te orders and did what was asked of them.
Excellent work men, *Salutes sharply*
Vince Valentine
Officer Cadet