Jenifers Next Grand recruitment effortPresent: Jenifer Feather
Yahar! the third recruitment mission of the day! Posted larger posters at the moongates since the last ones didnt seem to get the job done! These posters are much prettier an' the flyers themselves were improved ter have more adventure mentiuoned..
The posters..
Then i headed ter Haven, since i felt they did not get the idea last time! We need more fighters! YAAR! After screaming th' name o' the Army for an' half an' hour i decided it was time ter move on.. after a bit o' interest was shown by some fellah wearing a deer on his head. oi gave him a flyer..
Here is meh Recruitment mission in Haven
Then i headed to Britian, much the same here! Many people milling around, Screaming the name o' the Army, people showed some interest, not much though..
My mission to Britain..Signed: Jenifer Feather