Tha's right ladies and gents, my final task is complete! T'was today at aroun' 4 o'clock, the 5th of February.
I woke up groggy, seems I celebrated too early on finishin' meh Junior requirements tha' I didn't notice I had one more. Ah, easy stuff it was. I got mehself kitted out, and strolled into Cove.
Wi' the 'elp of Gregor Eason, I managed to pull out quite an attendance. Now, the event was a bit hazy, so if I forget you, do add yourself below ((OOC: Apologies in advance =( ))
Mehself, who led it
Geit Arma
I think Kal Shadowhand...
Jack Sinst
A bunch of recruits who I didn't know their name to begin with.
First order of buisness, I discussed my bitterness towards the fact that our record against Yew isn't what it should be. So, I organized the troops in a manner in which, on my team we had an extra man, but not a lot of fighting potential. My team was 'Yew'. Sadly, I can't play the part of Klion, since I'm vastly more handsome than he.
Then came mighty Cove. This team had a man less, but each man was a more than capable fighting force, as opposed to my team, which had a few newcommers to the army. The fighting commenced.
Sadly enough, my plan backfired. My 'Yewian' team narrowly beat the 'Covian' team. This means either A) the Yewians are right,*pah!* and Strength is in numbers...or B) We're feeding them recruits a lot better.
The coward army is victorious Second event was a bit more lively. I figured since everyone, mostly myself, was sore about the outcome of the battle (I actually wanted to loose!), We'd cheer 'em up with a good old free for all of cove. Sadly, getting chased around by very big people didn't allow me the freedom to paint any good pictures. So, after 10 minutes, the floor of Cove was littered with unconscious bodies. I will say that I am surprised, and that the last two standing were myself and Arma, and eventually we had to call it a draw.
I think (hope) everyone had fun, and that command will approve of this somewhat-slightly-educational-but-more-about-bashing-each-other-senseless-and-having-fun type of event.
Good job, the lot of ye! And..thanks!
The best,
Vinny Red.