Right, so I was talking with Erik about doing my requirements and getting promoted and he urged me to do a hunt with a report (granted this report is a few days late..teehee) so I decided to take a hunt to the Trinsic Ant Caves. Present was Kado the classy celt, Chaffers the chopper and arriving late Erik "cunning plan" Arkay. So we went along, hacked some ant Lions then we moved and cut down and destroyed a few of their warriors and peons. I wanted to go kill their queen but I decided t'were time to leave and when we finally clambered out the musky tight aired Ant hole onto the surface was a shock to find that we weren't in Trinsic! We were near Yew, Britian and Surprinsgly Cove. So we had to trek back me being all lost and stuff was kinda annoying some silly brigands tried their luck against use but they failed
back in the day damned brigands.
We made about 8000 gold which was plonked onto the piles by someone. Cheers for coming everyone.