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Author Topic: Defensive Formation Drill  (Read 2920 times)
Drake Reilly
Guest Of Cove

Karma: +1/-0
Posts: 35

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« on: June 22, 2006, 12:03:24 am »

When: 6.21.06, 7:30 GMT
Where: Gates of the old-city portion of Minoc.

Commanding Officer: Olchafa Serpent, Officer Cadet
Guardsmen in attendance:
Deveriath Fae'al, Guardsman Recruit
Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit
Hoagie, Junior Dragoon
Kado Gael, Junior Dragon
Kawon Snaels, Guardsman Recruit
Mela, Watchman
Thereza Malick, Guardsman Recruit
Vince Valentine, Senior Grenadier

Greetings, fellow Covians. On my first day as a member of the Cove armed forces, I was asked to supply this report of a training exercise conducted earlier today. The ranking members among us decided to give us more practice in combat maneuvers.

We were issued orders to establish a sentry checkpoint at the gate to the old-city. The honorable Olchafa Serpent directed the construction of a suitible barricade to prevent access to the gate.

Wooden barriers were erected and covered with hide pelts (presumably to prevent the barricades from being burned down by would-be attackers). Recruit Kawon Snaels was able to supply the hides on the spot. The defenses were rapidly fortified and we took our assigned posts, awaiting the innumerable waves of Cove's enemies that would surely challenge our resolve.

But, nobody showed up. Instead, rather than having us sit idle, the officer-cadet on duty organized a practice scenario in which himself, watchman Mela and junior-dragoon Hoagie would act as aggressors. The remaining individuals (Kado, Thereza, Vince, Deveriath, Kawon, and myself) were to be tested in how well we could prevent our position from being overrun.

After shuffling around the make-shift barricades, the enemy engaged our position. One of the attackers was subdued in short order.

From there, the hectic battle spread out from the vicinity of the gate. After a succinct struggle the practice was called to an end. Officer-cadet Olchafa reviewd our perfomance, making note of our solid capability, though pointed out that the defined purpose of the sentry exercise was to maintain control of the gate rather than persue the enemy.

He and junior-dragoon Kado appeared to have sharply divided opinions concerning the practicality of stationary, unified defenses versus the flexibility of using a squad's specific talents to repel the enemy. Regardless of the merits of either form of tactics, the newer guardsmen walked away from the event with a greater understanding of the frantic pace of battle. I think I speak for many of those who were there when I say that we are grateful for the training and look forward to putting it to good use against the tyrannical loyalist forces in actual battle.

Apologies for the tardiness in filing this paperwork. A few of us decided to head over to the Swagger's bachelor auction, and some of us decided to actually be in the auction, and that's a whole other report in itself.

Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit
Jenifer Feather
Cove Command
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« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2006, 08:48:40 am »

A grand report recruit! Impressive work.
And Chaffersm, well done on doing something! Also impressive.

Signed : Jenifer Feather

Raiden Morana
Cove Command
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« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2006, 09:32:55 am »

Aye a damn fine report recruit and a good training exercise it would seem.

*reads the report more closely*

Chaffers? Honourable? *raises an eyebow with a smirk*


Well done all those involved, keep up the good work!


Raiden, Senior Grenadier.

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2006, 10:36:49 am »

I think lazy replaces Honorable *chuckles* any how recruits nice report shame i couldn't be there *cackles*

Never the less excellent report keep it up

Vlad Regular Grenadier
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