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Author Topic: Snudrud  (Read 2180 times)
Covian Guardsman
Covian Citizen

Karma: +4/-7
Posts: 81

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« on: June 26, 2006, 05:55:18 pm »

Name: Snudrud

Age: He doesn't know, Baron says he's 20 (he can't count past three)

Occupation: Useless guard/Pickpocket/lockpicker/graverobber

Weapon of choice: Stick or fists, teeth, legs etc.

AL: Chaotic evil (can sway a lot, odd personality)

Appearance: Disturbing; his eyes aren't the same colour, he's skinny and wiry, his sparse hair is gathered in a dirty topknot and his skin's a dirty yellow colour. His teeth are a yellow-brown shade, and they're pointy and chipped. His fingers are long and end in sharp, dirty nails. He often carries or is followed by his pet rat Steelfur, a vicious beast the size of a rat.   

Personality: Irksome, odd and a coward through and through is what describes Snudrud best. Often prone to bouts of kleptomania, idiocy in its true meaning, and periods of extreme lying. If he doesn't get away with something, he'll most probably sit down and cry like a spoiled brat. If he senses danger, he'll probably run in the other direction. He also prides himself on being the toughest goblin in the Covian Army. He's also extremely afraid the dark and magic. Oh, and he's also a clumsy stupid person who delights in chasing women. And he can't read or write.

Poor me!
*Tries to strangle*

« Last Edit: June 26, 2006, 11:24:45 pm by Shadwell » Logged

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