"Oi recruit, so ye have dreams of one day becoming a Grenadier eh? Har! It's a good life... if you can stay alive!"Fancy yerself as an elite heavy archer or melee fighter?Could you be loyal to the Baron and put your fellow Grenadiers before friends, familly or even your faith?
Do you want ter be a member of the Baron's own bodyguard.
Well do yer?
Good... The Grenadiers will be holding an open day to tell ye more.
http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,5352.0.htmlAll ranks may attend but only Junior Guardsmen may apply.
Come along... learn about the code Grenadiers live by, maybe even find a mentor
(i'm free *winks*)"A Grenadier before all others!"
*signed*Raiden, Senior Grenadier.