Attended by:Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant (leading)
Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet
Raiden, Senior Grenadier
Thomas Sandwich (Sendrich), Regular Dragoon
Mela, Regular Scout
Tyrael Styx, Guardsman Recruit
Ilae Tyrnddare, Guardsman Recruit
Vince kitted us out with some recruitment flyers and we headed of to Haven. There we spread the good word of the Baronship to all who would listen.
We spent some time there but alas the normally bustling town was fairly quiet so we set off the Britain.
Again we set about singing the Baronship's virtues while Vince set up his recruitment stall. A plucky fellow by the name of
Kermit had heard me tell of life in the Baronship around the bank and approached me wishing to join up.
I accompanied Kermit to where Vince had set up his stall and after a quick chat we had him signed up for citizenship! Huzzah!
Join Cove! Be teh best! The recruitment party regathered and introduced themselves to the Baronship's newest member... Kermit seemed to hit it off immediately with Thomas Sandwich... and Mela.
*grins*Then it was back to
COVE!*signed*Raiden, Senior Grenadier.