Lead:-Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var
Officer cadet Darath Mithar
Officer cadet Kal Shadowhand
Regular Dragoon Hoagie
Regular Dragoon Thomas Sendrich
Regular Grenadier Gimbly
Regular Guardsmen Kurt
Junior scout Perun
Junior scout Kelly
Junior scout Edmund Rufus
Junior guardsmen Gord Blackwell
recruit Exillion
Recruit Flina Trix
Recruit Ilae Tyrnddare
Recruit S'ilvar S'adow
Other Rebel's:-
Olk of the vesperian Miltia
Some elf fellow and a cook can't remember there names
We headed off to vesper bank as always the vesperians are late and it took a darn twenty minutes for them to arrive'..
Soon after we got the training in place i had the defenders stay still in formation an cross heal we came out with one casualty and the attackers losing all of there's.
Cross healing and teamwork defeats all.
Soon after i made them pick teams.
And this time i made obstacles as in a battle situation there are many the attacker's were to assult the house and could not destroy or move the crates'..
This time the defender's did not cross heal and lost.
To finish off we had team battles which went quite well' and them the grand finish a free for all'..
The Grenadier's remained as well as Vincent Redfield and a miltia vesperian archer from the swagglers.
All in all good work.
Remember cross heal it wins the day'..
Demarian Tel'var