Mikaela's adventure back into the depths of Covetous..We departed a bit after the hour of 2200 on Tuesday the tenth of October and
successfully killed all the giant chickens! Raiden unfortunately had to depart shortly
after we killed them.
In the first picture we are regrouping after slaughtering the giant chickens, then
further on our way, Joey leads us on!Exiting through the back and entering into the next level we killed all in our path
onto the back, we again exited through the back entrance and walked through the
maze of a mountain onto the entrance of the third level where the Liche's reside.
We split up into two teams. Team one: Hoagie, Flina Trix, and Kurt. Their mission was
to stay put in the first room and go no further. They were also told to collect 10,000g.
Joey and I formed team two and went through the rocky maze and came across a
band of recluse skeletons!
"Smash-n-Bash 'em, Mikaela!", he said.
Here, I slowly approach to destroy the skeletons!We all met up again after Joey felt I had worked my skills up a bit and the other
team had collected the 10,000g. Afterwards, we all left and met up at the barracks
for dismissal.
Total Gold Collected:+/-14,000
Whom Attended:Joey Lanai, Senior Dragoon
Mikaela, Guardsman Recruit
Hoagie, Officer Cadet
Kurt, Regular Dragoon
Flina Trix, Watchman
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Corporal