I called upon a hunt to capture the Phoenix and Hoagie, Vincent Valentine and Falconheart responded. We traveled to a dark cave that Vince took us two and Hoagie stayed close to me with the torch. As we continued to walk deeper and deeper into the cave the walls seemed to close in around us, out of nowhere thousands of giant spiders began to bite and sting us, I began to spasm and foam at the mouth, although still attempting to hold my ground.
It didn't get much easier than that! Some Lava Lizards began running about and since I saw no spiders I made sure everyone knew to target the nasty red buggers
Finally a Phoenix appeared! It did all sorts of things to us, it even blew fire at my shield! Although after a rather heated battle and EXCELLENT cross-healing skills we were able to defeat the bird, and it's corpse lay dead on the floor. I immediately stripped it of it's feathers of which there were 36 total. I ate one but it didn't make me that much healthier at all.
When we finally started walking away from the hordes of nasty spiders and ancient demonic birds Vince realized just how bloody hot it was, all our kilts became soaked with sweat. I made sure that everyone was still on guard and not being overcome by heatstroke.
Afterwards the lot of us decided to head back to Cove for a long awaited drink, and we all were sick and tired of running through caves with spiders chasing us. Although all in all it was a very succesful hunt.
*Signed* Conan Darkmoon.