Event: Shame Game --Lead by Hoagie
Purpose: To keep the soldier's entertained and to raise some gold!
Achievements: The blue team raised roughly 18,000 gold pieces and the red team raise roughly 12,000 gold pieces. Combined amount of just over 30,000 gold pieces. A few gem's as well.
Soldiers Attended:Hoagie - Officer Cadet
Garak Nightchill - Junior Scout
Eve - Watchmen
Xander Laedon - Guardsmen Recruit
Raiden Morana - Grenadier Corporal
Mela - Scout Corporal
The hunt went fantastic. There was alot of teamwork on both parts, and much adventure! Gold was raised for the coffers and we got to do some killin!
After the hunt however, the blue team had buisness to deal with while red team returned to barracks to wait. While waiting the red team, along with Tiberius, were ambushed by yewian scouts. Luckily we had too much for them to carry.
Afterwards roughly 15,000 gold pieces were put in the coffers and blue team got the rest.