Ho ho I'm still swanning all over Azeroth I'm afraid Tom !
So unfair too, I'd pull out the whole "I'm your superior that's who I am" card but Mela's a bloody Corporal now and Hoagie's a Captain, dear me.
I popped into UO a while ago and tried to get Kas Valentine put back on the administration board but no joy. Stick him back on there and I'll see if I can't pop on more than I have been lately (so I can see what I need to do to get the next promotion and what not).
In my eyes you're still two loved up whippersnappers with dirty Skype habits, rank be damned !
(By the way I noticed the "Unrest at the Goblin" article on the website mentioned Delcarakdur had previously been charged with desertion. Is that something you chaps actually played out or was it something he got charged with just for being away for a long time without giving a reason....?)