Ask yourself the following :
- Have you ever went out of character?
- Have you ever performed an in-game action just out of convenience.*
- Do you ever use party-/guildchat?
- Have you defined your character's likes and dislikes?**
- Would people be able to predict your character while OOC?
* Such as running with your character when you roleplay a fragile old man.
** Would people know his favorite food or colour or particular things that disgust him?
In the old days for a real roleplayer these questions would be mundane and not even asked.
These days things are different and personally I would not be able to name a single person who remains In Character all the time.
There is no right or wrong here, just saying that roleplay his changed.
You might want to think about the following some more, or perhaps not...

- What kind of personality does your character have and why is he or she defined in such way?
- What kind of schooling and training would your character have and where has he or she gotten such education?
These are two simple questions you could ask yourself before performing an action such as riding a horse, using an item or trying to wield a particular weapon or even adressing another person or tasting food.
Gah, tired, completely forgot what point I was trying to make here....
Best quit while I'm almost ahead and go to bed. *nods sagely and passes out*