Attendees:Senior Guardsman, Erik Arkay (Leader)
Junior Guardsman, Delcarakdur (Crossbow One Eye)
Junior Grenadier, Darek Milako II (Crossbow Sheela)
Scout Corporal, Mela Arkay (Crossbow Mela - Its Eriks!)
Regular Scout, Kal Shadowhand (Crossbow Death Bringer)
Junior Scout, Dalamar (Crossbow Pooh)
Captain, Hoagie Grayner (Crossbow Bob)First things first, my dear Erik handed us all crossbows and then made us guess why we had received them instead of bows. The answer was because they are easy to use & because they can pierce an enemy's armour. He has a point.
Erik begins his training. After such he made us name our crossbows (names are above) except mine of course belonged to Erik so I didn't have to name it. Dalamar named his Pooh oddly.
Dalamar is an odd one. Now comes the odder part. He lined us all up and made the gents grab their crotch while mumbling some obscure line! Oh heavens, I wonder if he does this when I'm not around.
Oh dear me - See my Scouts are classy and even refused! Next Erik told us how to clean the weapon. When we have access to it, wood polish and a clean cloth and when we're in the woods Yewians fat, spit & Pee (of course.).
Shortly after we began fake shooting it, now it was only fake because Erik was being a ninny and was afraid of being hit! I of course was aiming the best, mostly for the back of Hoagie.
Somehow conversation flicked onto Klion's sap and well I ended up making Erik vomit which did brighten my day a bit!
After this Erik demonstraited by firing at Hoagie how far the bolt can pierce in metal armour and I have to say so myself that it wasn't too bad either. Finally before being dismissed Erik grabbed his crotch and reminded the gents that its for fun or something along the lines..strange...male..
Scout Corporal,