Hello all!! I got active for about a whole week.... then dropped off the face of Sosaria again! Thats becasue all this week i've been in and out of medical, administration, and what not trying to get preparead for a deployment. I have another gun shoot today coupled with passport photos and then another trip to medical on friday(tommorrow for me), i am on duty this weekend and will be detained for work durring my usual time for logging in, thus this week shall be an inactive week and I see more of them in the near future.
Im more active here on the boards for
- Work all night for 8 hours and check the boards for updates every like 30 minutes. obsesivly casue of boredom
- I can typically find time to log into the baords but not enough time to actually play UO
So ya there yo uahve it, even added "Forums Vulture" to my custom title lol. hope to get back in game soon! Marcus K is working his way to watchman!