It was an earlie morning, the sunshine hit Smudruds eyes as he wakes up. Then he realises its quiet freezy, in spite of his worm clothes and glorious uniform. His was gone! All of his stuff were gone! After thinking for a moment, Smudrud felt the pain in the back of his head and started to remember...A robed figure had clubbed him down last night and stolen everything he had.After me`s woke up and realised me`s had got robbed, me`s went to the barrack to get some help.
Chubby Arkay were there, and me`s asked him very nice for a uniform.
For an instance me`s were telling the truth, but Arkay didnt seem to believe me`s.
Anyway he`s gave me`s a new uniform, but not for free this time.
In return he`s wanted, no he ordered, me`s to investigate the case, and have an eye for stangers in Cove.
Chubby ordered a full report:

So since chubby was a superior and me`s owed he`s some for fetching uniform, me`s started the patrol.
Less then a minute after me`s recived the orders, a strange looking red-robed person were running past me up the barracks stairs. He`s went in to see Erik, and me`s sat on a chair on a table next to, and observed.
Nothing were said, and the red robed figure ran away, as swift as it came.

That red-robed person were particulary suspicious, so brave me`s decided to follow he`s.
Me`s run out, and saw the red robes vanishing aorund the corner.
Me`s little legs were running as fast as they could, and me`s ordered he`s to stop.
Red-robed went into "the green goblin", and brave goblin followed.
Now he couldnt get out without passing the goblin.
In there he`s shouted: "Look a flying elephant!" and pointed at the windows.
Me`s turned around, and then he had runned passed.
When me`s catched up with him on the outside, he sent a giant spider to attack me!

Even though me`s were fighting the giant spider, me`s saw a red, bright flash, and then the mage were gone.
Me`s runned away from the evil beast he`s had sent upon me`s, and returned to the barracks to think.
Who could the evil robed-figure be?
Me`s decided to question witnesses.
Kerby the mage didn`t say anything, but i promised to be back.

So me`s had a suspect, but couldnt find he`s.
Who were the evil robed mage attacking and robbing innocent Covians?
The investigation goes on, you will hear more...