Conan Darkmoon
Covian Legend
Karma: +15/-45
Posts: 552
Grenadier of Cove, Protector of the Baron..
« on: February 01, 2007, 12:26:32 am » |
This is to notify the citizens of Cove that there is a heretic in our midst.. The dreaded recruit Keiran Vale hath attacked members of the church on several occasions, and is set to face prosecution. In the eyes of the Church, the captor of such a heretic will truly be remembered for the rest of time. This hath been the worst of heretics in ages, and father Hugo hath determined that the recruit is probably possesed..
Go with Avatar, and find the beast.
*Signed* Father Danny Orwens
PS: Further failure by the current army administrators will result in a possible trial for Heresy.