Where: Moonglow Lyceaum, City of Mistas, Jungle between Mistas and Humility Moongate
When: Saturday 24th March
Led by: Garak Nightchill, Lieutenant
Attended by:
Demarion Tel'var, Senior Grenadier
Kelly, Regular Scout
Nicholi, Regular Dragoon
I decided to lead another expedition to the Lyceaum to see if it was still infested by dark wisps. We arrived and found no trace of them! Encouraged by this, I then led the Guards to the city of Mistas in Ilshenar. That city seemed quiet too, only a handful of Juka guarding it.
So I then decided to lead the Guards on a trek through the jungle. Finally, we found a fight! We fought our way through the Chaos Dragoons and the Juka, and then a horde of lizardmen. We had no problems dealing with them and finally made it to the Humility Moongate where we made our way home.

Garak NightchillLieutenant