When: Saturday 17th March
Where: Tokuno
Led by: Garak Nightchill, Lieutenant
Attended by:
Vince Valentine: Grenadier Sergeant
Erik Arkay, Senior Guardsman
Jack Sinist, Regular Guardsman
Nicholi, Regular Dragoon
Marcus, Watchman
Falconheart, Watchman
Auron, Guardsman Recruit
Evan Anno Rett, Commoner
The Covian army has quested many times in the facet of Tokuno, but we've yet to properly map the continents; Enter the navy.
The first problem was getting a ship there. We've yet to find a way to sail there directly, and the ship is too big for the moongate. So I went to the city of Zento and hired a ship. I then returned to the barracks and gathered the Guardsmen. Using the moongate, we travelled to Zento and found our ship. It wasn't a warship but it floated and that was the main thing. I finally managed to get the guardsmen on board and set sail. For this expedition I decided to chart the middle continent, the one on which Zento was located. We sailed east then north. The climate became warmer and on the coast we could see sand.

Sailing closer to land we discovered an orc patrolling the shore! The archers killed him and we moored off the shore. Leading the men ashore we ventured in-land, finding more orcs, some ruins and a lot of sand. It seemed the north east of the continent was a desert. We also found human remains, doubtless victims of the orcs. We reboarded the ship and continued north.
Soon after, however, we encountered trouble. A storm hit suddenly, blowing us off course and we barely survived. We ran aground on the northern coast of the continent and abandoned ship. I'm pleased to report no casualties other than the helmsman who came with the ship.

As the ship broke apart and sunk, we marched south through the desert, fighting off orcs and deathwatch beetles. Parched and sunburnt, we eventully made our way into green lands and found the city of Zento, returning home.

Garak NightchillLieutenant