Training our Navy for future conflicts and day to day protection of our waters begins this Monday eve! Despite Gunnery being assigned to Naval specialists, all available Covian guardsmen are expected to attend - as it may very well be in the heat of battle that non-Naval personnel will have to be proficient in operating as a Gunner.
When: 7pm GMT, Monday
Where: The Docks, Cove
Bring: Combat Gear, Bandages.
Introduction - Gunnery SchoolMonday's session will be an Introduction to Gunnery School. A short explanation will be given on the School itself, and then a number of operations shall be exercised to hone Gunnery technique. Expect to be drilled in live firing at stationary targets, fire and movement, and Gunnery Command.
Further details on the Baron's Navy:
Gregor Eason, Acting Naval Lieutenant
The Baron's Navy, Baronship of Cove