Guardsmen in attendance:Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist (Led)
Dragoon Sergeant Hoagie
Watchman Tyrael Styx
Watchman Faden Wildheart
Guardsman Recruit Synara Khan
To enforce the gates from increasing threats, whatever they may be, I constructed a sentry. Not sure if it was the citizens fault, the quarter masters, or the soldiers fault, but some lacked some pretty important parts of their gear! One of the items missing was the parade gear. A sad sight indeed. Hopefully things have been, or will be restored.
A small group of bandits decided to pay Cove a visit and demand clearance to loot our fair town. The recruit, and watchmen held ground as the onslaught went on. Victorious they stood while Dragoon Sergeant and myself got knocked down.
Well defended! Might make good juniors some day.
One note of appointments though; Recruit Synara Khan had a ill attitude throughout the sentry and especially in the end. I will damn the day she gets promoted with that attitude, this one needs some heavy punishing! Sadly she avoided the watchmen patrol I sent after her.
Other than that it went well.
*Signed*Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist