Leading:Kelly Sanderson
Attending:Jon Trent
Kal Shadowhand
Thomas Scarr
Ihiniar Tel'var
We began our training with a few things every guardsman should know; how to look and sound mean! After practicing some war cries, grimacing, and grunting we split up into two teams to run some healing drills. Kelly, Kal, and myself made up one team while Hoagie, Jon, and Thomas made the other. We were first to go on the offense! After two successful rounds of attacks, it was time to switch roles.
Shortly after defending ourselves, quite successfully, Ihiniar joined in the training. He was directed to join Hoagie's team
in hopes of preventing another massacre.
Having received plenty of team healing practice, we finished the session with a good old fashioned free for all.
Perrin Stonespear, Junior Guardsman