Led by:Raiden, Grenadier Captain.
Attended by:Hoagie, Sergeant.
Perrin, Junior Guardsman
Marcus Tel'var, Watchman
After Justice had led us home from our expedition to Humility I gathered the remaining guardsmen on the parade ground for a spot of duelling. Got ter stay sharp i say!
Perrin and Hoagie were first up with the winner staying on!
After a closely fought contest Hoagie came out on top and went on to face Watchman Tel'var, with Hoagie again the victor.
Next up was me against Hoagie... It was a fine duel with me coming out on top. Then I faced Perrin, who caused me a problem or two afore I knocked him off his feet and then poor old Marcus I despatched without having to block a blow.
Having bested all the guards present I went off to the Grenadier HQ to deal with some paperwork and left them to it.
Well done chaps!
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Captain.