Looks at a parchment "Trinsic & Cove Market"... An excellent moment...I ventured into
Cove and looked aroun', sat down beside an elf and ordered an ale. Got myself a few gems and a map of trinsic, ít was very close but I managed to stroll off unnoticed that time. It's was quite easy in the big mass of people.
After my first catch nothin' could stop me. I saw another elf, elves seems to be rich nowdays. She was wearing a heavy blood red armor, I mean, Someone like that must be
rich I thought. I made a lil' act, watching some of the items in the stall to get closer and noticed some nice gems in her bag. I went back a bit o figure out a way to take 'em. When she turned away, I snatched them and softly walked away down to the gates.
Though, not completely unnoticed. Later the evenin' they reported me to the
Guards and I made quite a show aroun' me. But I of course denied the accuses and tried to turn the guards against the elf.
I have to say, it worked half way there. I didn't get caught, but I did get warned. I suppose I have some suspiciouse eyes on me now and i'll have to stay low, build the reputation up a bit before next time.
But this fetch should indeed be enough for a while!*Signed*
Fingo Feld Deugweld
Petty Thief