Militia Duties: Reinforcing Altmere OutpostThe Kaldorian Invasion of Altmere has left this Baronship province in disrepair; particularly its military outpost, located just north east of the Baronship Household.
A group of at least three Covian guardsmen are tasked with the rebuilding of this once great watchtower. See that the outpost is stocked up with food, water, and bandages, and that the open front is barricaded and made safe. On completion of the restoration project, begin light patrolling of the area to ward off any brigands that have recently taken up residence nearby.
Objectives:* To restore the outpost to its former glory.
* To stock up the outpost on provisions.
* To patrol the local area.
Conditions:* At least three guardsmen must be present.
* Patrols must return when/if night falls.
* Outpost must be restored and held for at least half an hour.
* One guardsman must be in the outpost at all times.
Tasks CompletedOn completion of this Duty, guardsmen will have finished tasks including;
* Organising/Attending Gate Sentry
* Attending Local Area Patrols
(What does this mean?? These are key tasks that must be done in order to gain your promotion. Refer to "Pushing The Militia Harder - Promotion Requirements").
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