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Author Topic: Is There a Medic on The Primisess  (Read 2897 times)
Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +27/-20
Posts: 1262

"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« on: January 22, 2009, 11:04:54 am »

Marcus stepped through the portal onto Moonglow.  The smell of the grave yard assailed his nostrils and the sounds of chittering mongbats filled his ears. He glanced to his left at the small leathery wings of a mongbat that was just crawling cautiously out from behind a tree. That ugly pug nose, flat forehead, round beady eyes. There where stupid and highly annoying. He flick his hand palm outward towards it and a ball of flame quickly engulfed it. Marcus gave a snort an began to trudge into moonglow.

The city was quiet, likely from the recent attacks by a great dragon. It mattered little to him. He passed quickly into "The Scholar's Inn" where he purchased a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine before moving north to "The Fatted Calf" for some jerky. Few people knew of he quality of this butchery. . . which was good. The price was rather cheap.  He quickly made way to the west gate and exited the city following the road further west then north.

After many minutes and a few monbats later he reached the arched entryway to the Lycaeum. Within those halls existed many tomes of knowledge. Hopefully he would find what he sought within.

To be Continued. . .
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 04:34:36 pm by Marcus Kobra » Logged

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
Marcus Kobra
Regular Grenadier
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +27/-20
Posts: 1262

"Death is certain, When is up to your Medic."

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« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 04:51:41 pm »

Marcus sighed and rubbed his eyes as he stared at the tome before him. He looked to the scribe and nodded. The man bustled off in a mass of brown fabric and soon came back with many pages. That was the exam!? It must be 50 pages long. . .  Hopefully "First aid nursery rhymes" would prove enough.

Many hours passed by as he ticked off questions. Day became night. The weeks of study had worn on him. His mind was filled with thoughts of his Fiancee and son and their unborn child. The most recent letter had suggested an elopement. What with this Vesper Civil war. He sighed audibly which got him a good shushing by number scribes and librarians tending their own studies.

Marcus Hard at Work.

Hours later near to the mid hour he finished. A scribe half asleep took the exam from him and waved him away saying to return in the morning. So Marcus trudged back into town and to the "Scholars' Inn" where he bedded down with some black bread with butter, and a small portion of cold chicken Oh and of course the wine. He slept rather unsoundly all night, he hardly could sleep without Rose by his side, under his own roof.

Morning dawned with the crow of the rooster. Marcus awoke and donned his gear quickly moving back to the Lyceaum. He approached the desk and stated his name. The scribe quickly shuffled through numerous papers and then handed him one after giving it a brief examination. The scribe smiled at him slightly then went back to work after Marcus took the paper.

He'd passed rated as "Minor Surgeon" Hrmph good enough for combat medicine!
Marcus folded the degree and tucked it into his backpack before turning on his heels and strolling out the door then beginning a little jig.

"The head-bone connected to the neck-bone,
the neck-bone connected to the back-bone
The backbone connected to the thigh-bone
the thighbone connected to the kee-bone
the kneebone connected to the leg bone
the leg bone connected to the foot bone
Oh hear the word of the Avatar"

Marcus sang all the way home.

(OOC: Just a touch of back story to my accepting a Title)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 04:58:27 pm by Marcus Kobra » Logged

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
Edward Striker
Citizen of Cove
Covian Regular

Karma: +2/-5
Posts: 149

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« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 05:00:18 pm »

Very nice, Congrats!
Kas Valentine
Spellbook of Cove
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +30/-12
Posts: 854

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« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 07:05:51 pm »

Glad to know we have someone capable of dealing with the long list of wounds and injuries Covian's tend to cover themselves in.

Through no fault of their own I might add !

Congratulations on the conclusion of your scholarship Marcus.

The letter is garnished with a glowing signature etched in embers,
Company Arcanist Kas Valentine.

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