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Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
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Topic: Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army (Read 5717 times)
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend
Karma: +16/-4
Posts: 673
Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
February 17, 2009, 02:36:50 pm »
Hmm! Seems like the Army Stores be runnen low on the Leather for them Sneaky and Mage types. Leather is most important to them Mages and all the sneaky ones we have in the Company, without it the mages could nay cast their spells well and the sneaky one would be noisy as the tryied to sneak around someone.
~ Venture to and good leather producing area and claim the skins from the
the fallen creature that ye kill.
~ No less than 1000 skins will be collected per trip.
~ At least 2 other guardsmen must join you on this quest.
~ Post a detailed report on the Maine Notice Boards, ( IC Boards )
This task may be completed by any that feel brave enough to take it on.
This task may only be done once a week.
Officer Cadet
: Kal ShadowHand
Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 10:49:12 am by Raiden Morana
Covian Guardsman
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Re: Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
Reply #1 on:
June 16, 2009, 10:39:38 am »
Report: Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
I decided today to gather some leather for the Army. After giving some thought on what to hunt I settled on Drakes. I set sail for Fire Isle and upon reaching it weighed anchor on the western shore, not far from the Demon Temple, and checked my gear before heading to the temple.
Once at the temple I began to scout around for some drakes. I eventually found them on the west side of the temple. I snuck in, found a target and engaged it, then quickly lead it south, away from the other drakes and dragons, and dispatched the drake.
I repeated this over and over and over again. I even fought a few of the guardian spawned demons that were about and I also slayed two dragons! I had to periodically drop the leather and other loot off at the ship.
After a few hours I was able to gather the required amount of leather so I returned to the ship and set sail for Cove. Once back in Cove I hired a pack horse from the local rancher and transfered all the materials from the ship to the horse and headed off to the barracks.
At the barracks it took me awhile to move all the leather up to the thrid floor where I placed it in storage. I also added all the gold I had made that day to the coffers. I even threw in some scales from the drakes and the dragons.
The following was turned in:
1012 pieces of horned leather
44 pieces of barbed leather
106 dragon scales
20363 pieces of gold
Sketches of my task:
~Xavier Kage~
(If you prefer this to be in the IC forum please move it, Thanks!)
Jassi Cowin
Covian Guardsman
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I'm a pepper!
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
Reply #2 on:
November 17, 2009, 07:01:39 pm »
Lead by: Jassi Cowin
Guardsmen in Attendance
Mela Arkay, Senior Guardsman
Bersi, Junor Guardsman
Keiran Vale, Doctor
Jassi Cowin, Watchman
I noticed we were a bit low on leather in the barracks, and that there was a lack of patrols and guardsmen on the job in the early morning so I decided it was time I start prooving my worth to the Covian Army.
I took a group of guardsmen with me on my ventures, at first I let the group decide what to skin, but was not getting the best results so I picked the location for us. I decided that our location would be the giant cave known as Despise, where we skinned the lizard people, which gave us some good quality skins. Their skins are silky, smooth and light. The perfect kind of protection for a arcanist or a mage.
We split up into two groups to make the trip a bit faster, we had it done in no time.
Lucky for us we had just enough man power to carry all the leather and gold back to the barracks, as we had forgotten to bring a packhorse with us.
We gathered the following:
1176 Spined Leather
4288 Gold to the Coffers
Jassi Cowin
Sash Contains:
Ribbon of Activity
Order of Distinction
Graum Trolle
Guest Of Cove
Karma: +0/-0
Posts: 24
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
Reply #3 on:
September 08, 2010, 12:19:54 am »
Lead, planned and organized by:
Graum Trolle, Watchman
Attended by:
Since my arrival I have learned that the Arcanists wear leather armor instead of the regular metal armor for some reason, so it just seems fitting that I'd help out by gathering a bit of leather for the army. Just last night I had visited Despise during a patrol with some fellow guardsmen, and remembered seeing a good bit of interesting critters there that might do. Realizing that I'd be unable to carry it all myself, the first step on my agenda was to acquire some carrying assistance.
I soon set out through the Moongate to Britain towards Despise, now with my trusty compantion Bernard by my side.
Together we trekked north through the forest surrounding Britain, heading towards the mountains where Despise is located.
Once I arrived at the entrnce to Despise I left Bernard to his own devices outside, figuring that it'd be too dangerous for him inside. I ventured into the dungeon myself instead, and fought my way through pack after pack of ugly lizardmen, stopping to carve off their hides afterwards. Once I got overloaded I'd drag the hides outside, and strapped them to Bernard, before venturing back inside again for more...
When, after a long and arduous struggle to gather, drag and pack all the needed hides, and cutting them into managable leather pieces, I was finally done, and with Bernard in tow wandered on back south to the moongate, and through to the Minor/Vesper area, and on foot from there onwards back to cove...
Finally back at Cove we counted (mostly me, Bernard was quite bad at math) the hoard, and found that just over 1000 pieces of leather had been collected, along with just over 16000 gold.
Graum Trolle,
Gregor Eason
Cove Command
Covian Legend
Karma: +30/-15
Posts: 1262
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
Reply #4 on:
May 29, 2011, 03:33:18 pm »
Leather for the Army
Dermott Eason, Watchman
To say this was long is an understatement. It took forever to gather the required hides for this duty. Initially, I ventured to Dungeon Despise by myself to acquire some spined leather from the lizard tribes there. The lizardmen were easy to slay but I found myself needing a little help carrying the hides. As such, I took a short break whereby I procured a pack horse from Britain. I named him Bernard, after my predecessor’s horse.
This.. is his story.
Bernard remained outside Despise faithfully until I had completed my leather gathering hunt. We then committed to a forced march from Despise to Cove. It was perilous, but Bernard stayed true to the course.
Waiting at the finish line was Regular Guardsman Perrin, who commended myself and Bernard on the fine job we had completed.
Dermott and Bernard enduring the Leather Gathering Hunt.
Dermott Eason
Watchman, Covian Army
Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 03:50:19 pm by Gregor Eason
Garak: "Uh, I was under the impression we didn't allow neon hair?"
Grief: "I was under the impression we didn't allow hair at all!?"
Aleri Briggs
Re: Watchman Duty ~ Leather for the Army
Reply #5 on:
June 27, 2011, 12:30:04 pm »
Leathere for the Armie! - 27/06/2011
A chilleh dawn it was, had to keep a torche lit just to keep mi warme! Maor and maor recruts joinin the Covian armie?! Fantabulastick! But leathere suplies low from all the armoure makin and such! Time to
restok with mi good buddeh Ringo! Ringo the pack Llama!
Ringo is a good Lama, feerless and storng! Perfekt for the job at hand, and a few back-hooving kicks later we arived to dugneon Despice!
Ringo showes his Covian brawne!
Terible kreachures! Terible the lizardemen are...but theyre hydes? Perfekt for armoure makin! Ringo got a bit ekscited so I had to keep him awai, I didn't want Ringo huwt!
Back in I went, hacke and slassh! Hade to make a few tryps back and fourthe but a hefty amoont of leathere was gathered! Nowe for the jourknee back to Cove!
Aleri and Ringo: perfekt leathere gatherin duo!
Al in al, over 1,000 peces of leathere an a maor hydes to be cut up were collekted, along with 6,300 gold peces for the coffers! Not to menshion...Ringo tryed to seduce an "from-teh-back-hug" a wild horse! Took som doin tryin to stop Ringo! Ha!
A mighty hawle!
Aleri Briggs,
Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 02:39:52 am by Aleri Briggs
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