A Discourse on Indispensable Magical Fungi and Herbs
by Leander Le Blanc
Forward I hath traveled Sosaria doing fieldwork and research. Upon completion I hath compiled a reference guide for Alchemists and Arcanists based on the magykal herbs and fungi I discovered in my travels.
Authoritative Spellbook is the standard sixty-four spell eight circle edition found in wytch shops across Britannia and is the book referred to herein. Remember that this is the only book approved for branded Arcanists in the Company by the Northern Chapter. The plants described in these leaves are nay to be used by anyone without a branding.
Let it beknownst that his excellency Lord Octiovus Von Richter, Baron of Cove, to whom this book is dedicated, is a most rare man in our times. For he is magnanimous, devout, full of goodness, talent, prudence, and courtesy. He is truly a lover of honor and worth, thus so deserving of his people's praise.
And above all else, I beg thee, the Covian reader, to go to monasteries, churches, and shrines, and pray to our Lord. May ye remember your branding when ye use these plants spokyn of herein. And if ye have no branding, may ye be burned at the stake until death.
Lament Avatar's losse, his labor, and his payne, for Avatar is the muse who singeth inside me and moveth my poet's pen.
Black Pearl: This is a dark tinted pearl that can be found in the plains or in the forest. Little is known about this mysterious reagent's origin. It's alchemical purpose is refreshment. Though it can oft be useful in combat and attack related spells, it is used primarily in spells that involve traveling such as “Kal Ort Por” and “Vas Rel Por.” Perhaps this magical ingredient has a bit of locomotion itself, which accounts for how an object seemingly created inside of oysters and mollusks tends to surface in areas that are sometimes no where near the sea.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen in the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Fire Field
Mana Drain
Blade Spirits
Dispel Field
Mind Blast
Poison Field
Energy Bolt
Paralyze Field
Chain Lightening
Energy Field
Gate Travel
Mana Vampire
Mass Dispel
Energy Vortex
Blood Moss: Do nay be fooled by this reagent's name, for it is, in actuality, not a moss but a fungus. It can be found growing in the deep forest. Search stumps, fallen trees, damp bark, and mossy areas. It may also be located in swamps, bogs, marshlands, and wetlands. It is the fungus of progression and mobility. Naturally, it is key in creating the potion of agility. Further, it is oft used in spells where one's speed or ability to move is affected.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Magic Lock
Wall of Stone
Summon Creature
Invisibility, Mark
Reveal Hidden
Chain Lightening
Mana Vampire
Meteor Swarm
Dead Wood: Its etymology is likely linked to the fact that it comes from the Reaper, which are moving trees capable of wytchery. It looks suspiciously phallic.
Dead Wood is nay used in wytchery contained within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Executioner's Cap: Like its name, this fleshy spore bearing fungus is shaped like the hat of an executioner. This particular Executioner's Cap I found in the possession of a beast, though I imagine it must grow in a damp and wooded glen somewhere. Do nay eat, also relevant to the etymology of it's name is the fact that Executioner's Cap is highly toxic!
This toadstool is rumored to have magical properties, and it can certainly be used in rituals, however it is nay required for any spells in the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Fertile Dirt: I found this on an earth elemental. I nay know what spells could be wrought with this, but its agricultural properties are phenomenal.
Fertile Dirt is nay used in wytchery contained within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Garlic: As savory in magical arts as it is in culinary arts, garlic is the very essence of an arcanist's protection. Its alchemical use is to cure poison. In magical use it is required in spells of healing, protection, warding, and dispelling evil. Remember to peel and grind the bulbs to release its nutrients.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Create Food
Reactive Armor
Magic Trap
Magic Lock
Wall of Stone
Arch Cure
Arch Protection
Greater Heal
Dispel Field
Magic Reflection
Mass Curse
Mass Dispel
Ginseng: This root flowers and blooms upon maturity. Ginseng is most useful in healing spells. It grows in grasses wherever fleshy roots are present. It's also good for increasing energy, which explains why you might find it brewed in special teas or used in spells that enhance ones abilities. The Alchemist knows to use this root in his healing potions. Despite its bitter taste, all healers insist on using Ginseng as a traditional medicine.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Arch Cure
Arch Protection
Greater Heal
Paralyze Field
Mandrake root: As it matures a green plant grows out of it's head. It is a hallucination. Peculiar in appearance, it looks almost like a gnarled and treeish human infant. Popular myth states that if dug and uprooted unceremoniously from the ground, the mandrake will scream and kill all that hear its cry. While I have yet to see any evidence of such a tale, my suggestion to the magic user is to exercise caution and to only collect mandrakes that have surfaced on the forest floor or top layer of a swamp. Nay tunnel into the soil of Sosaria in search of them. From the Mandrake, an Alchemist can make a potion of strength. The Mandrake is used chiefly in power and strength magic.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Create Food
Arch Cure
Arch Protection
Greater Heal
Mana Drain
Blade Spirits
Magic Reflection
Mind Blast
Summon Creature
Mass Curse
Chain Lightening
Energy Field
Gate Travel
Mana Vampire
Mass Dispel
Meteor Swarm
Energy Vortex
Summon Air Elemental
Summon Daemon
Summon Earth Elemental
Summon Fire Elemental
Summon Water Elemental
Nightshade: This is a flowering and highly toxic plant. The buds on this plant only open up in the darkness. It grows in shady and swampy areas. Despite it's extreme toxicity (I always wear my gloves while picking or handling this reagent) it is extremely useful in spell casting. Those who dabble in the art of poisoning and poison concoction will certainly want to keep Nightshade on hand. I have heard of some people collecting the fresh leaves of this plant up and using them for snuffing, chewing, or smoking, talk about a bad habit! Its use as a recreational drug is questionable, but its magical use is undeniable. Any spell having to do with death, poison, or illusions will almost certainly require deadly Nightshade.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Blade Spirits
Mind Blast
Poison Field
Energy Bolt
Mass Curse
Energy Vortex
Orange Petal: These petals will protect whoever eats them from most poisons for a limited time.
Petal of the Rose of Trinsic: These petals increase the strength of whoever eats them.
Spider's Silk: This can be found growing on the stones of graveyards, dank caves, dark forests, the carcasses and webs of giant spiders, or wherever filthy Drow live. Spiders silk is an essential, albeit regrettable, magical reagent. In alchemy spider's silk creates a potion that gives one the ability to see through the darkness. In magic it is frequently found in binding spells and most importantly spells that summon fourth creatures that can act as protectors.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Reactive Armor
Magic Trap
Fire Field
Greater Heal
Mana Drain
Dispel Field
Magic Reflection
Poison Field
Summon Creature
Paralyze Field
Energy Field
Mana Vampire
Meteor Swarm
Summon Air Elemental
Summon Daemon
Summon Earth Elemental
Summon Fire Elemental
Summon Water Elemental
Sulphurous Ash: These ashes can be found scattered throughout the lands of Britannia, no doubt the product of volcanic disturbances from prehistoric times. An alchemist that wishes to defend himself will always have a supply of this handy, its consistency makes it easily mixable, and it is the crux of the explosion potion. As is evident by it's fiery color, it is associated with all things explosive. In magic, its uses are chiefly in fire and light related spells.
Crafts of Wytchery, in order of appearance, as seen within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
Magic Arrow
Reactive Armor
Magic Trap
Magic Lock
Magic Unlock
Arch Protection
Fire Field
Dispel Field
Mind Blast
Mass Curse
Chain Lightening
Energy Field
Gate Travel
Mass Dispel
Meteor Swarm
Summon Daemon
Summon Fire Elemental
Yew Plant: I stayed away from this one. I got close to it and felt a little sheepish.
The Yew Plant is nay used in wytchery contained within the
Authoritative Spellbook.
If applied and used correctly, some of the herbs herein will help balance the four humors. Though nothing relieves the temperament of sanguine quite like a good blood-letting.
F I N I S.