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Author Topic: Recruit Duty ~ Beating the Plague  (Read 6886 times)
Cove Command
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« on: May 29, 2009, 01:50:48 pm »

It's a known fact that rats can cause and spread the plague. we don't want any of our Guards falling over dead with the plague! get out there and kill all the rats you find. Be sure to burn the corpses to that none of the possibly [infected rats contaminate anything].

~Walk through Cove Shire and Town and slay all the rats you see.
~Collect and burn all of the rat corpses once you're finished.
~This may be done or alone or in a group.
~Post a full report below.

This may be completed by Guardsman Recruits only.
This may be completed once per character.

Cadet's Comments:
Be sure to wash complete after slaying and handling the rats, we don't want to take any chances with the plague!

Captain's Notes:
Take note o' the work down by Iolan Grimsditch below. Tha's how yer do yer duty!

Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin
Officer Cadet
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 09:25:09 am by Raiden Morana » Logged

Life is a challenge
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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 02:13:35 pm »

*Faden flicks through today's tasks and stumbles upon this one. He shows one evil grin before beginning to chuckle to himself.*

It is a known fact Faden hates rats of all kinds... the people of Cove better beware when bringing out their pets.

Marcus the lost
Covian Guardsman
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« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 03:36:17 am »

I decided my first task in the army should best be a simple one, and rat extermination didn't sound too tricky.. Especially as i teamed up with Watchman Thomas Aylmer in a hunt for these vile creatures..

We began by combing the shire but to no luck, seems either most of the rats migrated into the town or someone beat us to this duty...

After much searching and no rats we finally found our first prey, inside the town near the docks.. It was chewing on a discarded apple completely unaware of my blade descending on it from the sky..

We found others in the town as well and successfully exterminated them all..

We threw together a small pyre from some branches we found and safely converted the diseased vermin to ashes..

And of course, as the job was complete we made sure no diseases would be carried by us so we went skinny dipping in the nearest lake..

All in all a job well done i think, i won't go so far as to say we rid Cove of all rats but we damn sure made a dent in their swarm..

M.V. Guardsman Recruit


M.V. - Guardsman Recruit
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« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 03:45:29 pm »

Duties awarded to the above.

Hoagie Grayner, Commander
⚔ The Richter Crest ⚔ The Covian Seal ⚔ Order of Recruitment ⚔ Minoc Liberation Campaign ⚔ Kaldor Line Campaign ⚔ Vesper Civil War ⚔

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« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 07:39:14 pm »

I too hate rats and other vermin and I find it hard to believe that some even keep them as pets, how disgusting.  I set about clearing the town of the rats, finding one inside someone's house, who thanked me gratefully for ridding her place of it.

Two I found near the docks, obviously come off from a tradeship, I warned the dock workers about allowing rats from other countries into Cove and the dangers they could cause.

As I left the town I spotted one heading into the Shire and made short work of it.

In total five rats were slain, two disposed off in the sea and the rest were burned by fire.

After I finished with the rats I went back to the barracks to clean myself and my axe of blood.


Gilraen daughter of Belegorn

Iolan Grimsditch
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 05:59:46 pm »

Initial company of four (4):
Iolan Grimsditch, Recruit Guardsman, Core Division (Field Leader)
Kelban Blackstaff, Junior Guardsman, Light Infantry Division
Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman, Core Division
Larinya Angalae, Watchman, Core Division

Later reinforcements:
Vaughn Goodwill, Junior Guardsman, Light Infantry Division (in observatory capacity)

B. MISSION (Type, location, purpose of patrol): To seek out and destroy all vermin within Cove town proper's boundries and to dispose of the corpses to ensure elimination of possible contaminates.

C. TIME OF DEPARTURE AND RETURN: 13/12. Estimated time of departure, 07.00. Estimated time of return, 08.00.
D. ROUTES OUT AND BACK: Company was separated into north-bound and south-bound divisions. North-bound team covered the watchtower, farm, and armoury. South-bound team investigated city wall fortifications, hospital, provisioner's, and residential areas where permissible. Teams rendezvoused at city docks and moved out to forrest clearing (36o 18'N, 79o 22'E) to build bonfire and destroy the remains.

E. RESULTS OF ENEMY ENCOUNTERS: 10 targets caught and burnt.

F. CONDITION OF PERSONNEL:  One missing person (Junior Guardsman, Light Infantry Division, Kelban Blackstaff). Unable to locate body for repatriation. No biting, scratching, or other methods of contamination reported by other personnel.

G. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: It appears that continued military efforts and preponderance of cats have kept the rat population in Cove town proper in check.

*a signature is underlined below:*
Iolan Grimsditch
Guardsman Recruit, Core Division

« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 06:50:41 pm by Iolan Grimsditch » Logged
Graum Trolle
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« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 07:08:39 pm »

The plague is a dangerous thing, and killing rats is something that happens to be well within my otherwise rather limited combat skills, so this seemed like a perfect task for me. I started by heading into Cove itself and asking people there if any of them had any rat problems, as well as just doing my best to search around to find any... I couldn't seem to find a single rat though, but an alarming number of cats...

Some of the people in town however mentioned that while the rat population in town had decreased following previous guards' attempts at culling their numbers, they still remained in the woods just outside of town... So thats where I went next!

With a bag full of dead and not too pleasant rodents slung over my shoulder I made my way back towards town, and towards the water. I made a fire near the shore, and proceeded to burn the possibly plague-bearing carcasses.

All in all, it turned out quite okay. Or it will have at least, once I get rid of the stench... I think a bath and a long walk might be needed...

Graum Trolle,
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« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2010, 07:15:32 pm »

I saw the task board and decided this would be a short easy one.  I grabbed a hammer and got to work.

Admittedly smashing them made them harder to clean up and generally more bloody.

I than took the corpses out of cove and burned them.

Fritz Segur
Guardsman Recruit
Gwen Whitcomb
The Unbiased
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« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2018, 10:52:46 am »

Rats can spread the plague, the Officer setting this trial is correct.

Many a times I saw other recruits stomping and smashing rats in Cove, and now, it was my time to do so.

Throughout the town and the Shire, I stomped and bashed 15 rats and one gruesome ogre that wanted to prevent me from doing so. It may have been a friend of the rats...

As ordered, I burned the dead rats after my work was done and cleaned myself up. The last thing we want is the plague happening in Cove!

Gwen Whitcomb, Guardsman Recruit

Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients. Sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps.
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