Dear staff, Railen and Penny.
I have been told now that I should be fine to once more actively be able to tend the bar. As you might all be aware not one week ago I was shot in the shoulder by bandits whom attacked out tavern.,12841.0.htmlDealing with the threatOther events followed this of course which have seen some of our civilians and guardsmen send to hospital shredded to bits. I am currently aware you are all fearing for your well being and I can only encourage you all to be more vigilant and aware of your surroundings when serving or working within the Goblin. To help encourage safety and a more vigilant staff I will have our doormen work full time now. I am hoping to have uniforms delivered within the week for them and also to hire more staff to protect our patrons and staff. I have taken the liberty of hireing a sketch artist for fourty eight shillings to draw myself in what I envision our doormen should look like in uniform, whether male of female.
This however is more for your consideration, Railen, if you agree with it or think of some adjustment please say as soon as possible, this is so I can get the local craftsmen to work on the uniform.
Also, this goes for you, the staff, I am hoping to have some weighted staff and small knifes bought for our tavern so we have them in case of emergencies, I will be keeping my crossbows closer at hand regardless. Please however, I advise you to be cautious. Currently our Doormen are, Kelban part time, Lacrima full time and Maccen Korten full time. However if you have any concerns or know anything please don't hesitate to speak to either Railen or myself as we are also here to ensure your safety.
Keeping numbers.I have bad news, with the current damages and goods being not delivered to our tavern, our numbers are reaching the red once more, I do believe for our tavern to continue to prosper and be able to continue trade we need to think of borrowing coin from our own Baron, and I am talking soon as I am finding it hard currently to just get our basic ingridients for our cooks in at the current war prices. We also need to replace furniture which have been damaged and clean the wear and tear from the outside of our tavern, currently the decay is not doing well to uphold our reputation as a fine uphold establishment.
Dealing with the danger.As I have stated, be cautious, however myself and a few individuals are seeking out the culprits and will be reporting to the Guardsmen soon as possible. Sadly all leads to Jierdan, the Swaggers Manager. This does not bode well as most of our trade with rum and ale are delivered to the Swaggers and then traded onwards to us, so expect shortages if nothing else.
I am going to start private classes for any of you barmaids or bartenders who wish to know how to defend themselfs, come speak to me in private as I do have if nothing else, experience in how to deal with unruly customers. This is the same for bandits. I will also speak to the Captain and Commander about more patrols and including local citizenry in the Guardsmens trainings, perhaps even borrowing some armour for our daily needs. Again, I will need your approval before I do any of this Railen.
I do hope you are all aware of the danger we face in the coming days and are heeding my warnings.
Stay safe and out of danger.