Trolle, Trolle... Is he somehow related tae trolls, Sir, eh? Well... Judgin' from his appearance, his grandmother had some sort of kinky business with one of 'em. Bwahahahahahaha! Erm... Alright, he isn't that hideous. As ye' say, Sir. I'll see if we can make 'im dea... erh... I mean promoted.Task 1 ~ Discipline or Death
Discipline isn't that good as it was in the past with all these new recruits being cocky and cheeky. We could just flog them to death, but army would become quite a lonely place to be in. My brilliant idea is to make you increase their moral and discipline by holding a lecture!
~ Lead a discipline lecture for army personnel.
~ At least 3 other guardsman must attend.
~ Make sure their discipline level increased drastically.
~ Provide a full report below.
Task 2 ~ Shoulder to shoulder
One of the most effecient ways to win a battle is to fight alongside the trustworthy partner. Improving guardsmen fighting skills is essential and your task is to make sure they're working on it.
~ Lead a training focused paired combat.
~ At least 5 other guardsmen must attend.
~ Provide a full report below.
Task 3 ~ Befriending scouts
Light Company isn't in the best shape, watchman, and I want to you to give them a friendly hand. Your task is twofold. First, you need to get one thousand of feathers good enough for making arrows. Second, get one hundred of greater poison potions so they could play with it.
~ Lead a hunt to the location of your choice and get 1000 feathers.
~ At least 2 other guardsmen must attend.
~ Contact civilian alchemist and convince him to make one hundred of greater poison potions.
~ Provide a full report below.
*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi