Attended Guardsmen:Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal (leading)
Cal'ain Cui'nir, Guardsman Recruit
Victoria Tillian, Guardsman Recruit
Atrus D'ni, Guardsman Recruit
Random former Vesperian soldier, Guardsman Recruit (Alt of Jassi Cowin)
With all the little and bigger hate around Cove, I gathered some men to ensure the safety within our own territories. I took them Altmere and asked them a few things about how to build a sentry. Scary, none of them knew the materals needed, which are hides and wood mostly. Splitting them into groups, they gathered the ressources, while I kept crafting the crates and building the sentry.
Eventually, some Altmerian shepherd crossed our way and accused us to have killed his goats. After the recruits kept speaking rude with him, I really had to interact. I apologiced for killing his goats in the name of the recruits and handed him a decent amount of gold coins to repay him.
Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal