Juneyor Huntemarseter - Hycloth Hythmoth Hylolcloth Haithloths Hayamoth Hythloth - 03/07/2011Aftr the Sundai Parayd, the brafe men and women of Cove descided to truste theyre lives in me......how insayne! I breifed the fine selekction of Cove's finesst of theyre impendin venchure. Fisrt part of mi tryal calls for tripp to Hycloth dugneon, where we have a kill liste to komplete. As Captaine an Chief of this hunte, and for ekstra motifation, I implemeneantned a point systeme...lettuce see who wins!
Don the batle armour, the esksotik weponry and the evul stares - lettuce get on withe it!
I hope thay now wat their geting themselfes into!Haithmoth is a horible place. Damp, smely, weirde ooze spoutin from the wals..reminds mi of a Vesper inn! Hah! Stiking tite to one another, we venchured carefuly downe towardes the daemon layrs. We enkounterd many a beasts however manly leser beings that were eazily thrawarated. To bi honest, the harddest foe was getin Senor Kas unstuk from a spyder web! Hah! Any other problemos on the way were dispached quik, inkluding cuning bloking taktics from the daemons. Arkcanist bubble gate to the rescuoo!
Thins are juste getin started...Faive Gazers and Faive Daemons? Hah! How abot a bilion milion of each, caus thas how many we kiled! Honesst!
I hop thys dugneon has hardr enemys!In the heet of batle, we spoted a green fayrie wytch thing! Argh! Kil it yeled Komander Keres! Oh...wayte...it was Korpral Ilyana shapeshifted...lest put it nicly an say pointes were defininitly dedukted!
Eep! Whoops!Aftr geting throu what was thaught to be an umpossible wytchcraft maze, we neered the Balrog's layr. Kommander Krepe gave us a run downe on what was comin up and useful tips! Mostely juss saying don't die caus he was tooo lazi to write our mothers leters...
Lest do this!In went tha Comandeer, and bak out he came...with a Balron on his tayl! Swingin it's mighti akse it flatened a rekruit or two but we held it togethr with ekselcent healin to bring it downe! We evene had tyme to peel the rekruits off the walls an help them back! Frome there, Senor Kas fetchd Mummi and Daddi Balrons an we kiled them too! Three Balron kils an a bunch of leser daemons layter we descided to cheese it bak to Cove! Aha...bute not befor I stol mi a trofy!
Ekscelent batle taktiks rein supremme!A quik headcount meante no cashualties! Fantawesome! Bak to Cove! A good amont of loot was donated by al warriors.
Win/win/win lead hunte!Befor dismisin the lot, I talied up points, an the rezults I shal add to the botom. Senor Kas was ruled viktor, and was rewarded with mi weaks pay! Wel deservd the
THREE silvers!
Som did beter than others too sai the leest!Nowe to starte preplaning the trayning seshion! Humpf!
Atended Gardsmen an PointesTurok Keres, Comander:
-100 on the counte of bad direktion, rash blugeonin of frendlies an lak of ballet feet
Ilybanana Drachen, Arkanist Corporale:
50 for controlin herself in revenge
Kase Valentin, Senor Akcanist:
100 for cheeky antiks an provin to be good bayt for Balrons -
WINNER!Demarion Tel'vur, Reglar Grenadine:
-50 for sleping on the job an leaving early!
Nicholii, Reglar Gardsman:
30 for getin loste but destryoin half of the dugneon by himself
Sergyo Jaret, Reglar Scout:
0 for getin us loste but then oferin sound advice to brayke even
Aleri Briggs, Warchmen -
LEADINGAvalynne Vail, Gardswomen Reckruit:
30 for showin no mercy to bashin defenseles imps no mater how cute they wer
Kelban, Gardsman Rekrut:
30 on the counte of grate teamwerk an pokin skils
Tyrel, Guardsmen Rekcruit:
30 for fantastik healin on the Balron fites
Aleri Briggs,