In Attendance:
Ilyana Drachen Arcanist Corporal
Kurt Senior Guardsman
Perrin Regular Guardsman
Darek Milako Regular Genadier
Tyrael Styx Junior Grenadier
Lucent Dreher Watchman
Cal'ain Watchman
Veronica Guardsman Recruit
Kado Gael
I came upon everyone running about in circles in the arena with a guy yelling at the elf to do the report and afterwards I ended up volunteering to do the report which turned out to be for a training. The training started with a three versus three which quickly changed line ups and ended fairly quickly. Then there was a "toughness" training where we'd all beat on one person until it was our turn to get beaten on. After my turn Kado didn't want to stop hitting me so I had to lightning him.
After that there was a free for all which everyone attacked me right off the bat so I had to run around healing and couldn't really do anything.
I learned that no matter what I do everyone will attack me First regardless if they know me or not and to never stand next to the Celt. Also Thanks to the person who gave me everyones name.
Lucent Dreher Watchman