Fun Hunt
06/30/05 -- 19:00
Led by: Junior Guardsman, Kal ShadowHand
Attended by: [I lost my list]
We met at em Barracks, Where I filled everyone in on what we were going to do, when Corporal, Arc took us to cove and we quickly realized that we had to go to some where else. Corporal, Arc them opened up a gate for us and we ended up in Skara. Once there we then set out for the docks and crossed to the other side and headed up North-West to where we could see the Planting Fields for Cotten.
As we got there I had em all line up ans asked them if they had there Green thorns I gave them back in Cove. I then told them to put them to the ground And they did indeed ut them to the ground. After everyone put theit thorns to the ground a few seconds we had a horde of them Magical Bunnies running all over the place, and everyone triing to keep up with them fast little buggers. After getting all of them we took a slight breather, and the fun was on again.
All in all this hunt was put together to get the Militia some time off of Militia Duties fer a day and to let them have fun without being ordered around on this and that.
{ Sorry about the list guys the wife threw it away on accadent}