Patrol led by:Robert Tripps, Besieger Corporal
Covian attendees:Raiden Morana, Captain
Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant (joined late)
Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist
Sergio Jarrett, Regular Scout
Saerandir, Junior Guardsman
Rook, Watchman
... and a lot of Yewlanders
Captain Morana called out for people to join in a Joint Patrol with Yew.
Why we still are allied with them sheephuggers is beyond me, but We gladly took on this chance to strengthen our bond of course.
As we gathered in Stonekeep, Corporal Tripps informed us what we are going to do and gave us the choice between rats and I think the other choice were snakes. My suggestion to take on horses was shut down quickly by Regular Jarrett.
lazy smart, I opened a gate to another gate, to save some time. While Corporal Tripps seemed rather annoyed by this, our own Covians were yet once again thankful for the quick ride.
Arriving in Valor, Ilshenar, we headed south-west over a bridge and soon enough arrived at a mighty jungle, filled with rats and dragons and serpents and all that kind of shyte.
It all started fairly easy, stomping rats left right and center, burning down ooze of slimes. Soon enough, the ratmen heard of our deeds and decided to crawl out their holes to push us back. Yet however, neither of us back down and we slayed many more of these furry beasts. The real test was yet to come!
Things got a bit awkward after the flame throwing mice came their bushes! Poor Captain and Junior Saerandir got knocked down on their buttocks and myself only thanks to my quick reactions made it out unharmed. As the fight got more intimidating, the Yewish force gathered in the gorge between the rock formation. To be honest, I didn't expect the
sheephuggers Yewlanders to pull out a strategic formation, but alas, they did to my surprise.
After all our guardsmen were back on their feet, we joined them for the last bit of the fight, fending off deadly, fast snakes.
After we killed many more mice, wolves and snakes, some weird lass with a fancy hat and a pipe showed up in the middle of the altar. It seemed as if she was controlling the mice with her tune and she ordered them to attack us while conjuring up illusions of letting us appear like mice ourselves.
However, the piper did not stand a chance and soon enough, we slayed her and got rewarded with a lot of coins.
More than I could carry.Victorious, we returned to Yew, where yet another weird couple was. Casually, we ignored it, and while some went to the tavern in Stonekeep, I returned home, because
I still don't like these sheephuggers I was starving and had to empty Leanne's storeroom I had important studies to attend.
Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist