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Author Topic: Knight Errant: By the Will of the Church and might of the Order.  (Read 7240 times)
Guest Of Cove

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« on: October 27, 2018, 11:12:57 pm »


I write this report to address my decree that I shall be embarking upon a most divine quest of holy errantry, using the skills of the knight to spread the word of our Lord highest, praise him, and with the sword blessed to me strike down his foes who Harker the Ballard of the Guardian, let them fools be damned, for they are beyond redemption by now, the Avatar looks out for all of us, who be faithful it is our sacred duty to remove the taint that is not of the Ankh.

It was the eve of yesterday where the good Inquisitor of Yew did inform he that Avatar willed, I be raised to Initiate, and so I stood a better man and a better servant to Faith and Order, I have been armoured befit my rank and now with the recent matter of the damned under vast control the still remnants of Guardians taint do roam the realm, let it be known from Cove to Yew, to Britain and Jhelom, and across the realm, the Templi do hunt the evil that plagues this beautiful land.

I take with me only the tools of my trade prepared for war and peace.

Should I fail in my mission and be slain then it was willed so allow a better man to rise up and take my place.

In Hoc Signo Vinces.


Mordred Cassiuel, Initiate.


Naturally the best move was to call a halt to roleplay on Ultima Online, because my career in the Army is just starting off now, I have decided that with the Church of Cove on break, and myself having to depend on the Yew chapter for advancing my trials that being in either guild right now was not needed, as I would not be online. I will perhaps return in the future, but naturally my hand in forced right now.

Sir Mordred however will be acting as a Knight Errant of the Church, travelling far and wide and solving quests and such to spread the word of the Avatar as is the nature of his character to do such in a good way.

Below are the two screen shots for proof of my characters promotion, pushing that aside I've had a fantastic time roleplaying with the Cove and Yew and Vesper roleplayers of Europa, and would not hesitate to reccomend them.

Anyway thank you for now, and perhaps see you folks around Smiley


« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 11:29:31 pm by Casseiul » Logged

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