Watchman Trials: Part 3Guards, Rebels an' Pirates !Joey Marched into the Barracks, his aim clear, his goals were soon complete,
there was light at the end of the tunnel, yes Joey was going to finish his trials !
When the designated time came for Joey to begin his training, many men
gathered, more then he had expected ! so once everyone had gathered he
lead the men into town, the drill was planned in two sections.
Scenario 1The group was split into two groups, one team posing as the town guards lead
by the Captain of the Guards, Olaf McBeregutt, while the other team were the
Rebels who wanted to conquer the town led by the ferocious, deadly rebel leader, Teddy McFluffs.
The rebels team were led outside the town gates only to attack when they heard
the horn, the guards then possitioned themselves around the gates of Cove, surely
there was no way for them to get in !
The rebels surprised the defending Guardsmen by using a ship to infiltrate the town
by Ship, the guardsmen were surprised but alas they prevailed in defending the town
from the rebel team.
Scenario 2A priceless relic was rumoured to be found in Cove, "The cloak of the pirate king", both
teams wanted it so bad that some members broke off from both teams to make a third
team, the Evil pirates of Cuddle Bunny island !
The Guardsmen began at the lookout tower, the Pirates from the Docks and the Rebels
from the town gates, they must search the town for the cloak and wear it to show they
have it in thier possesion.
3 Seperate teams, one cloak, there could only be one winner and that winner was the
Guards team no less !
With no time left to spare, Joey then ended his training session, Trial complete, the Trials
themselves complete! his next task was to turn up on time for the parade.
Joey explaining the situation to the group-------------------------------------
Attendance- Tiberius, Senior Guardsman
- Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout
- Arkonois, Junior Guardsman
- Darath Mithar, Junior Guardsman
- Drachir, Junior Guardsman
- Judas, Junior Guardsman
- Kurt, Watchman
- Vince Valentine, Watchman
- Louka, Guardsman Recruit
- Jevonia, Guardsman Recruit
- Achates, Witch Hunter
- Kasei, Mercenary
(I know i missed some people, post your name below if you attended please !)
*Signed* -
Joey Lanai, Watchman